Young children are natural scientist who observe the people, animals, and objects in their environment; conduct experiments; and report on their discoveries.
Science in the classroom is not only activities devoted to “doing science” such as growing plants or taking nature walks. Think of science as an ongoing part of the total curriculum, woven into daily activities and routines.
Why is science so important for young children to experience? Why is science so important for young children to experience?
There are two parts to science; investigation and knowledge. Although knowledge is important, investigation is much more important. This helps children learn how to find answers to questions.
During science activities children learn by doing which is the most effective way for young children to learn They also develop skills in using their senses which can be used throughout a person’s lifetime.
Science skills are highly transferable and can help in many other areas of knowledge and growth
Finally children who participate in science activities are able to exercise their creative abilities without fear of being wrong
There are three types of Science Activities
Formal Science Formal science experiences are planned by the teacher to develop particular skills. An example of this would be planning for fine motor skills development by including pouring and measuring tools in the sand and water area
Informal Science Informal science calls for little or no teacher involvement. Children work on their own, at their own rate, and only when they feel like it.
Incidental Science Incidental science cannot be planned. It may only take place one in a while. An example would be if a tree falls in or around a nearby area. Children can study/observe roots of trees, the growth rings in the tree, and even examine the tree bark.