Geo TownGeo Town
Hi my name is ….. and I work for Addition Architect Co. I have reconstructed a more geometrical town. Since I have made the town more geometrical I gave it a new name. The new name of the town is Geo Town. Before After
The new design I have created has 3 parallel roads. The names of the roads are Abbey Ave, Emily Blvd, and Joe St. Also in my new design there are two intersecting roads. They are called Donna Dr, and Holly Way. The last kinds of roads I included in my new design are perpendicular roads. There are two and the names for them are Family Way, and Brady Blvd. I also included an extra street and named it Park Way. All the purple signs have the names for the streets on them.
In my town I have put a park. The park is located at the end of town on Brady Ave. It is 5 inches by 4 inches. In this park there is a sand box with a half inch diameter, a right scalene triangle, and a swimming pool with a perimeter of 4 inches. Two additional items I added to the park are a fence with a perimeter of 8 inches for around the pool, and 3 triangular pine trees for shade.
Geo Town also has some unique buildings. Some of the buildings and their names are Rectangular Prism (Fraction Pharmacy), Cube (Multiply Market), Square Pyramid (Pizza Pyramid), 3 triangular Prism (Addition Architect Co), and a Sphere (Putt Putt Probability Golf Course).
Some additional items I decided to add to Geo Town is a cone (Ice cream Cone Shop), Oval Lake, a school, and Lego park benches with a little Lego chef in the center of town.
Every thing in my town is geometrical Signs are in the shapes of squares, rectangles, trapezoids, pentagons, triangles, hexagons, octagons, and rhombuses. This is my plan for Geo Town.