CORRECT REIN HOLD With split reins hold with index finger on the inside of reins. With Romel reins hold it like an ice cream cone in one hand and with the other holding the extra.
FUNCTIONAL CORRECTNESS The most important things that the judge will be looking for are Having the correct leads Not breaking gait Actually doing the correct gait Cant- loping diagonally down the rail Twog – lope in the front trot in the back
MANNER AND ATTITUDE Pleasant, alert, ears forward, not wringing tail. Not irritated, ill or angry.
CONSISTENCY Frame Not behind the vertical Slightly in front of vertical Poll or ears are even with withers Even speed throughout each gait
BROKE Walk Rythmical Light contact, shanks not moved Jog 2 beat Collected Soft Lope 3 beats Collected Looks easy not forced to be slow No cant! EO-19PWilE&feature=related 2ecubFbAE
QUALITY OF MOVEMENT Free flowing stride Collection Drive from the hock Even strides