The Graphic Novel An Introduction English 10 – J. Garvey
What is a Graphic Novel? Contains a specific plot, characters, setting Use of pictures/graphics/diagrams At points, no text may appear for a spread or pages Comic book = “graphic short story”
Plot Like novel, characters are developed Complex or layered story told Typically non-fiction Anthologies do not count
Artwork Range of B&W to color Medium chosen reflects story told The more detailed the work, the more emphasis placed on artwork Balance of text and graphic
Narrative Text and artwork blended Recent G.N.’s are a contained story Originally published “serial” comic strips and compiled into physical books; the FIRST graphic novels
Serial Comics
Non-Serial Comics
Persepolis Published year old Marjane growing up in Iran, 1980 Amir from The Kite Runner is about to leave Afghanistan in the middle of the night. Internal political upheaval in Iran; parents are nationalists Yes, folks. There’s a Persepolis 2
Graphic Novelization Crime and Punishment Fahrenheit 451 Romeo and Juliet