Rotor Outline drawing. Spider cross-section next page. Weight is 4000 pounds.
New Rotor Spider Section Z-Z. Diametral area moment of inertia calculated on eng-tips link: ”
End view of installed rotor
Side view of rotor
Model used for calculation L1=22 inch I1 = inch^4 Mu1=12 lbf/inch L2=25 inch I2=953 inch^4 Mu2=69.6 lbf/inch L1 I1 mu1 L2 I2 mu2 Shaft Spider/Core LINE OF SYMMETRY (Mirror image) Mu1 Mu2 Mu1
Analysis. Double-click to open pdf. Plots on pages 8 and 9 Results: Slope at bearing due to weight of rotor is Slope = For bearing length of 4.5”, this is approx 0.7 mil Change in elevaation. Since clearance is 6 mils, this is approx 11% of Bearing clearance.