1 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, flubendiamide - The Next Generation in Lepidoptera Pest Management in Cotton Alan Hopkins, Shane Hand, Jon Mixson and Steve Krueger The Next Generation in Lepidoptera Pest Management in Cotton Alan Hopkins, Shane Hand, Jon Mixson and Steve Krueger
2 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 1 st compound of new chemical class (phthalic acid diamides) Newly discovered mode of action = interrupts the Ca 2+ balance as an ingested stomach poison Considered harmless to pollinators and beneficials Environmentally-friendly with favorable tox, ecotox, e-fate profile IPM / IRM friendly REI * = 12 hours (all crops) PHI * = 1 day (all veggies) Apps by air / ground / chemigation * Highly rainfast (once dry) Low rates = low env. loading Excellent crop safety * Proposed labels Chemical Properties = The Nuts ‘n Bolts
3 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Target Pests:Lepidoptera (broad-spectrum) – evaluating activity on secondary pests Other Target Crops:The active ingredient will also be registered for use in vegetables, grapes, fruits, tree nuts, citrus, and corn Mode of action:=> unmatched larvicidal activity => orally-ingested intoxicant => fast acting: rapid cessation of feeding (hrs) => long lasting: rainfast and residual (weeks) => novel biochemical target => Ca 2+ balance, stomach poison => no known cross-resistance Formulation:BELT 4SC in cotton Biological Characteristics
4 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Insects Controlled Highly active against larval stages of a broad range of lepidopteran pests. Includes a host of difficult to control pests, including armyworm complex, looper complex, bollworm and budworm.
5 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Data Completion:November, 2005 EPA Submission:April, 2006 Anticipated Reg:2007 Full US Launch:2008 Registration Timeline
6 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Arlene Kurakowa, Bayer CropScience Fresno, California % Control of Fall Armyworm 70g (2oz)105g (3oz) 1 = Belt 4SC 70g (2oz) 2 = Belt 4SC 88g (2.5oz) 3 = Belt 4SC 105g (3oz) 4 = Tracer 2oz 88g (2.5oz) 7 DAA 14 DAA, 4 DAB 21 DAA, 11 DAB 24 DAA, 14 DAB, 3 DAC 30 DAA, 20 DAB, 9 DAC Tracer (2oz)
7 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 % Control of Fall Armyworm 70g (2oz)105g (3oz) 1 = Belt 4SC 70g (2oz) 2 = Belt 4SC 88g (2.5oz) 3 = Belt 4SC 105g (3oz) 4 = Tracer 2oz 88g (2.5oz) Seasonal Mean for Evaluations 7DAA and Beyond Tracer (2oz) Arlene Kurakowa, Bayer CropScience Fresno, California
8 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 % Control of Bollworm and Tobacco Budworm (Evaluation of Damaged Squares) 70g (2oz)105g (3oz) 1 = Belt 4SC 70g (2oz) 2 = Belt 4SC 88g (2.5oz) 3 = Belt 4SC 105g (3oz) 4 = Tracer 2oz 88g (2.5oz)Tracer (2oz) Evaluation 9 days after third application John Curtis, Bayer CropScience Molino, FL
9 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Influence on Seasonal Heliothine Larvae (Dr. Gus Lorenz, University of Arkansas) Applications on July 10 and 20. Data collected from 6 evaluations.
10 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Influence on Seasonal Heliothine Larvae (Dr. Gus Lorenz, University of Arkansas) Applications on July 10 and 20. Data collected from 6 evaluations.
11 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Influence on Seasonal Heliothine Damage (Dr. Gus Lorenz, University of Arkansas) Applications on July 10 and 20. Data collected from 6 evaluations.
12 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Influence on Seasonal Heliothine Damage (Dr. Gus Lorenz, University of Arkansas) Applications on July 10 and 20. Data collected from 6 evaluations.
13 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007 Flubendiamide is the first compound of the new chemical class: phthalic acid diamides. Newly discovered mode of action: interrupts the Ca 2+ balance as an ingested stomach poison. Bayer CropScience expects registration of the active ingredient in several crops including cotton. Provides excellent control of several lepidopteran pests of cotton, including the Heliothine complex. Registration is expected in time for launch in Summary
14 BELT 4 SC Insecticide for Cotton Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 2007