Policies & Practices in Grading Jon Comer, Professor, Geography GTA Conference on Teaching August 14, 2013
Session Overview Important OSU policies relating to grading Tips for effective grading practices Questions and discussion
Grading Policies Importance of the Syllabus: Distribution of points for course Grading scale and expectations (A, B, etc.) Rules regarding deadlines/late assignments Schedule of due dates, esp. projects & exams Attendance Policy: Default Attendance Policy: No penalty will be assessed for class absences unless the instructor provides a written attendance policy to the student within the first three lectures of a semester.
Grading Policies Grounds for grade appeals: Not distributing/following the syllabus Changing syllabus without adequate notice Unequal extra credit opportunities Reasonable but subjective criteria for grading not made clear Unreasonable (non-academic) criteria used Grade calculation error occurred.
Grading Policies NOT grounds for grade appeals: Challenging instructor’s scoring of graded work Questioning soundness of instructor’s teaching methods or grading system Considerations of “good” or “bad” teaching Graduate oral or qualifying examinations are not covered under the policy.
Grading Policies Special grading situations: 6-week grades in all lower division courses 10-week grade checks for student-athletes Automatic W through 12 th week for withdrawals Instructor assigns W or F in 13 th, 14 th weeks Withdrawal by petition only after 14 th week Incomplete grades (IB, IC, ID, or IF) Pre-Finals week policy (5% rule) Grade changes.
Grading Policies Detecting cheating (Academic Integrity): Seek faculty assistance and follow policy Carry on with further work in course without prejudice Types of sanctions: Level 1 – 0 or F on assignment (lesser infractions) Level 2 – F! for course (major infractions) Level 3 – Dismissal from graduate programs.
Grading Policies Discussing grades with students: DO NOT do it over the phone Avoid doing it via Resist doing it with parents… Hide behind FERPA rather than get sued (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, Buckley Amendment).
Grading Policies Retention of grade records/books: 5 years if no complaints 2 years after exhaustion of all legal remedies if a complaint was filed What to do if (when) you leave OSU Retain tests and papers until academic appeals period has expired, then destroy.
Grading Policies Resources: Academic Affairs Faculty & Staff Resources: AA Policies and Procedures webpage: Grade Appeals (P&P ) Academic Integrity (P&P ) Retention of Grade Records (P&P ) Registrar’s Office: article&id=412&Itemid=399
Grading Policies Resources:
Grading Practices Strive for timely return of graded work: More impactful for students Better info for students vis-à-vis their grades Why procrastinate?
Grading Practices “Fair” grading and other tips: Grade anonymously when possible Strive for consistency across papers on subjective work (papers, essays, etc.) Avoid grading “rut”, try not to do too many papers in one sitting.
Grading Practices Using D2L to facilitate grading: Use D2L to distribute, collect assignments Maintain updated gradebook on D2L Develop grading rubrics within D2L.
Grading Practices Extra credit, bonus points, etc.: Try to avoid it: Why are you giving it? What is it measuring/assessing? What are students learning? Make sure it is fair, available to all, reasonable Keep it a very small % of course (1-2% max).