Tourism, Sport, Leisure, And Recreation


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Presentation transcript:

Tourism, Sport, Leisure, And Recreation

Definitions Leisure: any freely chosen activity or experience that takes place in non-work time. Recreation: a leisure-time activity undertaken voluntarily and for enjoyment. It includes individual pursuits, organised outings and events, and non-paid (non-professional) sports. Sport: a physical activity involving events and competitions at the national and international scale with professional participants.

Definitions Tourism: traval away from home for at least one night for the purpose of leisure. This definition excludes day trips, some of which may be international trips. Ecotourism: tourism focusing on the natural environment and local communities. Heritage Tourism: tourism based on a historic legacy (landscape feature, historic building, or event) as its major attraction. Sustainable Tourism: tourism that conserves primary tourist resources and supports the livlihoods and culture of local people.

Definitions Mass Tourism: an organised form of large-scale tourism, in which travel, accommodation, and meals are booked and paid for in advance. Leakage: refers to the money that “escapes” from a tourist destination and makes its way to other countries via airline companies, hotel companies, Multinational Corporations, and Food Importers etc.

Definitions Carrying Capacity: refers to the maximum number of visitors or participants that a site or an event can satisfy at one time. Environmental Carrying Capacity: the maximum number before the local environment becomes damaged. Perceptual Carrying Capacity: the maximum number before a specific group of visitors considers the levels of impact, such as noise, to be excessive. For example, young mountain-bikers may be more crowd-tolerant than elderly walkers.

Difficulties There are many difficulties in applying these definitions. For example, definitions of sport, leisure, and recreation overlap, and participation in them may be simultaneous. Some may play golf or go go swimming or skiing while they are on holiday.

Activity Using A2 Geography P266-268, answer the following questions… Distinguish the difference between Recreation and Tourism. Why are the distinctions between Recreation and Tourism, and Business and Tourism often blurred? Make a labelled and annotated sketch to show the differences between Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism.