Matthew Chapter 8:14-23 JESUS BACKING UP HIS SERMON PT. 2 THE 3 rd AND 4 th MIRACLES I.Introduction A.12 miracles in chapters 8 and 9.
1.Healing the leper and the Centurion’s slave. 2.Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount. a)Putting His words into action. B.Matthew 8:2 1.Jesus was willing!
a)Jesus healed him completely. C.The Centurion asked for healing for his slave. 1.Matthew 8:10 a)Jesus did not have to be there.
b) He understood the chain-of-command! (1) Jesus impressed. 2.Many make it into heaven buy that faith! a) Continue with the miracles of Jesus. II.Matthew 8:14-17
A. Jesus healing a fever! 1.They had to listen and obey His command. a)Peter’s mother-in- law was sick. b)She got up and served them all. 2.Jesus had a full time job healing people.
a)Isaiah 53:3-6 III.Matthew 8:18 A.Rather interesting! 1.With power to heal everyone – He didn’t. a)He healed thousands – but
(1)It is like a big lake. (a) The crowds can get to the other side. (i)Jesus “taking a rest”. b)Jesus didn’t feel obligated to heal everyone.
(1)He was more concerned with a person’s eternity. (a) Matthew 10:28 (b) Disease might separate us from this world but sin the next! (c) “By His scourging we are healed,”.
(d)for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities! (i) 1Peter 2:24 IV. Matthew 8:19-20 A.This scribe was caught up in the excitement.
1.Jesus’ reply is, “Have you counted the cost?” 2.Easy to get caught up in the feelings. a)No record of this man following Him! (1) He wasn’t willing to surrender his life!
V.Conclusion A.Matthew 8: Having problems with priorities! a)No mention how old this man is! b)Does not mention that he is sick!
(1)Could have been a long-term situation. (i)May have been the young man requesting. (ii)What the young man had chosen was more important! (a) Verse 22
(b)The dead can’t do anything. (i) It doesn’t matter who buries you. (ii) Not as important as his new life in Christ! (iii) Took care of any “excuse”. 2.Matthew 8:23
a)Prayerfully this young man was included.