Important topics related to earthquake hazard Calling for Bi-lateral collaboration
Methodology for seismic intensity zonation Lesson of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake Inclusion of geology and paleo-seismology Communicating with engineering communities Strong ground motion studies Probabilistic versus deterministic zonation
Earthquake prediction test site Tradition of joint studies related to earthquake prediction test site New technologies capturing the time- dependent variation of earth structure: from ‘repeating events’ to active source New technologies capturing the properties of earthquake fault Hybrid concept of ‘observation’ and ‘experiment’: new trends of seismology
Toward forward forecast tests Test of forecast schemes by forward forecast test Aftershock probability assessment immediately after strong earthquakes: importance and feasibility Annual Consultation Meeting on the Likelihood of Earthquakes: Niandu (Annual) Dizhen (Earthquake) Qushi (Probability/trend) Huishang (Consultation) Hui (Meeting)
CSEP - Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
Invitation The 2009 International Symposium on Earthquake Seismology and Earthquake Predictability