15 January 2008 S.Infante TS-EL CONTROLS ACTIVITES
15 January 2008S.Infante OVERVIEW Section mandate SCADA overview SCADA management PLC park overview PLC management Summary
15 January 2008S.Infante SECTION MANDATE Responsible for the monitoring and control of the CERN electrical network: Integration of new equipment/substations, modifications, upgrade and maintenance of the Electrical Network Supervisor (ENS) System. 4 staff members. 3 from March 2008! A job post is currently open in ERT. 1 fellow from February 2008.
15 January 2008S.Infante ENS OVERVIEW SCADA system dedicated to the supervision of the electrical network. Still a mixture of new supervision systems and old supervision systems: 2 Unix Servers: SCATE X – EFACEC >= 50 distributed concentrators: RTU/CFE Data acquisition units: DAU/MICENE Intelligent Electronic Devices: IED Programmable Logic Controllers: PLC Discreet I/O
RTU LHC, SPS, Meyrin DAU UPS Medium/High Voltage Protection Relays Battery Chargers Discreet I/O switchboards PLC DIRIS CFE MICENE ABB SCADA SVC2 SCATE X servers ENS current architecture TI Operators LASER TIM Remote Desktop Connection LonWorks JBus Silcon IEC Mil1553 GATED NCC Network Control Centre Web Energy ORACLE Server Energy Management TCS Insum
15 January 2008S.Infante ENS - NEW EQUIPMENT INTEGRATION Small scale integration/modifications TS-EL-CO ASSYSTEM ( C194 contract TS-CSE) support Large scale integration EFACEC (B1115 contract)/TS-EL-CO
15 January 2008S.Infante ENS - MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING SCATE X servers TS-EL-CO for first line intervention. No official piquet but 24 hour support is assured. ongoing maintenance contract with EFACEC (24h- 7d helpline) RTU TS-EL-CO ASSYSTEM (Preventive maintenance)
15 January 2008S.Infante ENS - MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING cont’d CONTROLS EQUIPMENT - Micene, DAU, IED TS-EL-CO Remedy ticket service in place CFE (ongoing replacements by RTUs) TS-EL-CO: Applications AB-CO: HW/OS/Appl.Servers (elsrv1)/Mil1553 bus
15 January 2008S.Infante PLC Electrical Process dedicated Majority of PLCs are Schneider (Premium/Twido) Some Siemens PLC (S7-400H)
15 January 2008S.Infante PLC List Ventilation substations Diesel Generators 48V Commutation EDF-EOS AutoTransfert 18kV normal/secours commutation 18kV Interlocks LV Distribution LHC experiment (11 Premium type concentrators / around 200 local Twido based I/O stations)
15 January 2008S.Infante PLC MANAGEMENT Majority Programming outsourced (EuroSystem – Contract E088) URS definition: TS-EL HW configuration/Local MMI definition: TS-EL-CO HW failure/card replacement: TS-EL-CO Software modifications: EuroSystem Spare part management: TS-EL-CO. Possibility for a CERN wide spare part management contract with Schneider. Currently managed by AB-CO (P.Gayet)
15 January 2008S.Infante SUMMARY The ENS system is now up and running The migration from the old (CFE/MICENE) to the new ENS system (SCATEX/RTU) is ongoing (80% complete) The ENS management requires both electrical and controls specialist knowledge and close collaboration with other sections within TS/EL Despite limited resources a 24h, 7d “piquet-type” service is achieved Significant documentation updates are required.