James Bizzell Wissal Gacimi Abraham F. De Hart Todd Troutman Mike Sheridan
Importance to me Michael Sheridan – My personal state of mind is to be relaxed. Religion is not important in my life right now, but it may be later. – I am very close with my family. I enjoy being with family and friend as often as possible. – Materials are not very important in my life. The less material possessions one has the more simple life can be. – I plan to work as a civil engineer. The size of the firm does not matter to me. – I love to play sports. I have played basketball and golf for many years and plan to continue doing both. – I plan to follow politics but not be an active participant.
BP Oil BP Oil company spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Now through technology BP has sealed the well and is helping to clean the environment. They are improving the quality of Mexican beaches. Though they generated a major problem in Central America, BP used their knowledge to help solve the crisis.
Importance to me Wissal Gacimi – Personal State of mind: Be healthy physically and spiritually, be happy, personal satisfaction and fulfillment in any way. Live my life the fullest but never forget my principles and my cultural and religious backgrounds. – Social: A united family is the most important thing for me. Always be close to my parents, grandparents, siblings etc. Have more close friends that I trust and love than a bunch of friends who don’t care about my well being. – Material life: Get married, have kids, have a really nice house, a secondary house (beach/mountains), and nice cars. – Work/Occupation: Not only be a good mom and wife and give my family all the attention needed, but also have a good job in a company as an engineer and hopefully a CEO in a company if I do my MBA after my bachelors in engineering. – Recreation/Avocation: Continue dancing and expand my repertoire into more dancing styles. Do sports at the gym – Political life: Only if needed.
Internet Internet was invented by a group of American researchers and scientists from an agency called Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) from the late 50’s to 70’s. Why? To share info with/between people around the world. What does it solve? Research access and communication.
Importance to me James Bizzell – Most of the time I am in a somewhat relaxed state of mind. I like to think that things happen for a reason. – I like to be surrounded by friends and family. I like surrounding myself people who can make me laugh. – I don’t really worry about the material things in life. I think that people focus on materialistic things in life that they forget about the little things in life. – I have worked numerous internships in the business field. – I play a variety of different sports including football, basketball, and track & field – Other than elections I never really keep up with the politics.
Medicine Technology has had a great impact on society when it comes to medicine. From painless needles to robots used alongside doctors during surgeries. Technology in terms of medicine has helped create vaccines to numerous diseases that would otherwise prove to be fatal if not treated correctly. It has helped also increased the life expectancy of the average person Leaps in the technology fields has helped me personally by decreasing the recovery rate of the common cold and also helped in the recovery process of injuries
Importance to me Todd Troutman – Religion is very important in my life. – I like to have friends around me whenever possible. – One day I will be married – I will have an engineering job – I will take time for fun with the family – I will follow politics only when needed
Schooling Students in technology rich environments experience positive effects on achievement in all major subject areas Showed increased achievement in preschool through higher education for both regular and special needs children Students’ attitudes towards learning and their own self-concepts improved consistently when computers were used for instruction
Importance to me Abraham DeHart – Spend my years helping less fortunate in developing countries. – Find a work situation that is mentally stimulating and rewarding – Work in applying high-tech practices to poor areas – Teach others about business, agriculture, medicine, and faith.
Ag Engineering Irrigation done with drip hoses No-till farming Genetically Modified Seed Utilizing bioenergy
Works Cited &nicam=USCSBaselineQ409&nisrc=aol&nigrp=Branded_Cri sis_Management&niadv=General&nipkw=bp_oil_spill 5S-47VS21D- 2&_user=209810&_coverDate=01%2F31%2F2004&_rdoc=1&_fmt= high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c &_searchStrId= &_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C &_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=209810&md5=04415cea e9ea6bb d51247b012&searchtype=a
Works Cited cfm?id=no-till till_revolution gy/