The Right Support Ron Crichton Senior Psychologist GCC Education Services June 2011 Education Services
16+ Learning Choices: The Key Principles 1.the right learning - personalisation and choice. 2.the right support – identify and remove barriers that might restrict young people's learning choices and consistent, quality information, advice and guidance; 3.the right financial support - to help young people take up the offer which is right for them and not the choice which pays best or offers the most generous support.
General Principles Respond to need via a staged intervention process Support transition, continuity and progression for young people at key stages Complement needs led assessment and advice with key partners and schools Early identification of risk factors and targeted support Support and promote partnership working Contribute to strategic developments locally and nationally including policy development. Embed delivery within a Curriculum for Excellence
Strategic Boards MCMC Strategic Group 3 Youth Employability Groups (YEGs)ASL Transitions / YEG Youth Gateway MCMC Team 1 Youth Gateway Information/Development Team 3 Youth Gateway NEET Prevention Teams3 Youth Gateway NEET Reduction Teams NEET Prevention Referral RoutesNEET Reduction Referral Routes
ASL YEG Scope: Oversee the implementation of city-wide MCMC strategy focusing on equality of access to provision for our most vulnerable young people Monitor the progress of local Youth Gateway services in achieving locally disaggregated targets in respect of vulnerable groups of young people and provide direction and support as required Provide regular analysis and resulting developmental actions/recommendations based on progress reports Provide recommendations to the MCMC Partnership on gaps in service provision and achieving equality of access to supports for young people who require additional support for learning Target Groups –Young people aged with additional entitlements afforded through ASL Legislation; including –Young people aged in and leaving local authority care/ care leavers
Effective needs led assessment: is undertaken to identify a young person’s support needs to maximise their knowledge /skills and to promote improved outcomes; is a staged process that promotes proportionate and focused involvement of relevant partners; depends on co-ordinated and collaborative working; requires proactive sharing through good quality information transfer and agreed protocols; recognises the centrality of the young person and requires confidentiality issues to be addressed at the outset; involves specialist roles, only in a context where roles / procedures are explicit and agreed; and benefits from shared development of a shared model that ensures each partner/agency understands interdependence of roles.
How can we promote a shared understanding of the process of identifying individual support needs; ensuring that the sharing of planning for intervention is maximised in this process; supporting local developments to maintain and raise quality standards in assessment / intervention; applying a staged model that signals where involvement of other partners may be relevant; encouraging staff to further develop young person engagement and empowerment.
Workshop 45 mins In groups of 5 take turns to reflect on:- –Best practice in local area regarding transitions for young people with ASN –What partners internally and externally do you work with to support young people with ASN? –How do you share information on assessment and achievement of young people? –How are individual ASN youngsters identified and tracked? –What requires further development /support?