High resolution X-ray analysis of a proximal human femur with synchrotron radiation and an innovative linear detector M.Bettuzzi, R. Brancaccio, F.Casali, S. Cornacchia, N.Lanconelli, A.Miceli, M. P.Morigi, A. Pasini, D. Romani, A.Rossi Department of Physics, University of Bologna and INFN, Section of Bologna IEEE NSS – MIC, Rome 21st October 2004
The experiment was carried out in the framework of a project, powered by the University of Bologna, concerning the characterization of the human bone tissue by means of physical techniques Ostheoporosis Project
Good results were already obtained with the 3D micro-CT technique on small bone samples With our micro-CT system we obtained images with a pixel size from 20 to 30 microns (less than 20 microns with high magnification µ–focus source) A good agreement with results achieved by other systems (i.e. Skyscan) was found micro-CT slice
However, such a technique allows to investigate only small samples (1-2 cm maximum size), that means you have to physically cut the bone into slices and make out a carrot of one of them The aim of the present experiment was to verify the possibility of performing the same kind of analysis over a complete human bone (i.e. a femur) without altering its structure by any mechanical treatment Looking forward, this should be a first step toward the hard task of building an X-ray CT system for the structural bone analysis “in vivo”
Trabeculae size in a human bone vary from 0.1 to 0.3 mm while spacing from 0.2 to 2 mm We had to build a new detector with the proper spatial resolution and a sufficiently wide field of view The synchrotron radiation source was choose because it provides a high flux of mono-energetic photons Thus it is the best quality source for this experiment, though it’s not the most suitable one for routine analysis
A new linear intensified detector was designed at the University of Bologna ( EU patented ) The detector is based on two main components: a digital intensified CCD camera (the EBCCD) a special coherent fiber optics adapter
The Electron Bombarded CCD camera Produced by Geosphaera (Moscow)
Scheme of the EBCCD tube
The fiber-optics guide permits the conversion of the geometry from linear to rectangular format Concept Realization From 1024x512 to 5600x50 effective pixels Produced by the Vavilov Institute (S.Petersburg)
Scintillating screen stripe Gd 2 O 2 S:Tb Fiber optics light guide129×1.45 mm 2 to 18.4×10.6 mm 2 Multialkali input window 24.5 mm Back-thinned frame transfer CCD1024×512 Intensifier tube voltage 6 kV Image size (multislice)5600×50 pixel Detector assembly scheme
Mounted detector
66 m 129 m SPLINE interpolation of missing data into the spacings between neighbouring FO ribbons
Microfocus X-ray tube Controlled axis Fiber optics fan adapter EBCCD Scheme of the CT system (microfocus source)
Radiograph of a calibrated bar-pattern direct measurement of the spatial resolution 5 lp/mm (100 µm)
Modulation Transfer Function microfocus X-ray tube measurements (focal spot 5 µm) Spatial resolution of the detector (at 5% measured MTF value) 60 µm
Noise and DQE
Experiments at Elettra SRF in collaboration with Rizzoli Institute, Bologna August April 2004
ELETTRA Syrmep Beamline
Beam size width:120 mm (our detector is 130 mm long) height:4 mm (our detector is 1.5 mm high) Beam energy 34 keV max
Experimental set-up at the SYRMEP beamline beam detector sample proximal femur (pig)
Proximal femur of a pig Maximum size 7,41 x 5,42 cm 2 CT parameters Energy 34 keV Number of projections 500 Angle 180° Voxel side 23 m position of the CT slices 1 2 Each CT section is made of about 35 slices, one pixel thick (23 µm) Original projections size 5600 x 35 pixel Exposure Time: 50 ms Number of averaged frames : 16 Total exposure time for 500 projections: 400 s Total CT time: 8000 s (2 hours e 13 minutes)
The trabeculae structure becomes visible, thought, spatial resolution is not enough at this level to define it properly
The use of a high resolution linear detector with synchrotron light allowed the definition of the trabecular structure in a CT slice of a complete proximal femur bone of a pig The image quality was too low and it was not suitable for a proper segmentation and for the calculation of the isomorphometric parameters of the bone structure
Improvements better alignment of the detector collection of a large number of projection recalibration and accurate reconstruction human femur analysis
Human femur CT Parameters of the CT 1400 projections over 180 degrees 16 frame averaged for each projection 25 ms exposure time for each frame 2 hours 15 minutes total scanning time
Radiography of a human femur
Micro-CT slice
A high resolution computed tomography of a complete human femur was performed Thus, it is possible to study the trabeculae structure of the complete human femur The high quality of the images obtained after the CT reconstruction allows the calculation of the histomorphometric parameters of the bone
Further steps: Replicate the experiment with a microfocus X-ray tube Optimize the source-detector system Optimize the number of projections for a good image quality with a reduced dose