Processing Creativity Design better together
Six Stage Process InspireConceptualiseRefineEvaluatePlanProduce
Rules There are no bad ideas Fail early and fail often Go for Volume Be Optimistic
Rules CollaborateListenInspireEncourage
Rules Steal ideas Recognise others Think with your hands One conversation at a time
Conceptualise Explode - Divergent thinking
Refine Question, or allow concepts to die on the vine
Inform The internalised process
Evaluate Present your best ideas
Evaluation Democratic process
Plan Agile Project Management - Scrum
Effective planning Preserving the team
Produce With failure no longer an option and planning complete, work happens.
Some Design Principles
Transparent Complex Problems require simple, clear and honest solutions
Inspiring Successful solutions will move people by satisfying their needs, giving meaning to their lives and raising their hopes and expectations.
Transformational Exceptional problems demand exceptional solutions that may be radical and even disruptive.
Participatory Effective solutions will be collaborative, inclusive and developed with the people who use them.
Contextual No solution should be developed or delivered in isolation but should instead recognise the social, physical and information systems it is part of.
Sustainable Every solution needs to be a robust, responsible and designed with regard to its long-term impact on the environment and society
Good design is innovative Good design makes a product useful Good design is aesthetic Good design makes a product understandable Good design is unobtrusive Good design is honest Good design is long-lasting Good design is thorough down to the last detail Good design is environmentally friendly Good design is as little design as possible.
Enlightened trial and error succeeds over the planning of the loan genius.
One conversation at a time Stay focused on the topic Encourage wild ideas Defer Judgement Build on the ideas of others