Joseph Prieur - Aeronautics DG Research- Space &Transport
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan The European Research Area for Aeronautics & Space è Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) defines the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) providing guidance to l the Sixth Framework Programme and beyond l national programmes of the Member States l stakeholders’ initiatives è Joint efforts with EUROCONTROL towards a Single European Sky è European Strategy for Space developed jointly by EU and ESA è Complementary efforts to ESA, national space agencies and industry
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan EU Funding for Specific Aeronautics& Space R&TD *) Budget for Aeronautics, Air Transport &Space *
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan FP6 Aeronautics & Space Budget è TOTAL BUDGET1 075Meuro l Aeronautics840 (750+90) l Space235
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan Product development Research and technology acquisition Fundamental knowledge Technology development Technology validation Product definition Product design and development ProductionDemonstrators Prototypes EU Framework Programme EUREKA years Product demonstration Research /Technology and Product Development in Aeronautics
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan Guiding Principles For Aeronautics Work Programme è Faithful to the Specific Programme è Some continuity with the Work Programme of FP5 è Special emphasis on enabling breakthroughs and step changes with a view to the future è Take up of the Strategic Research Agenda prepared in ACARE è Prudent utilization of industry’s (and research establishment’s) ARTE 21 plan è Consideration of recent EoI campaign
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan Aeronautics Overall Objectives within F.P.6 (consistent with SRA recommendations) è To meet society’s needs for a more efficient, safer and environmentally friendly air transport è To win global leadership for European aeronautics with a competitive supply chain, including small and medium size enterprises
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan Research Areas and Scope for Aeronautics in FP6 è Research Areas (consistent with the SRA) l Strengthening competitiveness (of the manufacturing industry) l Improving environmental impact with regard to emissions & noise l Improving aircraft safety and security l Increasing the operational capacity and safety of the air transport system è Scope l Commercial transport aircraft (comprising regional and business aircraft and rotorcraft), including their systems and components l On-board and ground-based elements of the ATM (4th area)
Bordeaux - FP6 General -J.Prieur -Jan Tentative Planning for Calls and Budget of Aeronautics in F.P / 12/ 2002 First Call € Mio 11 / 2003 Second Call € 225 Mio 11 / 2004 Third Call € 225 Mio