GISMO Review Summary June 11, 2007
Key Results Left-right filtering works. Doubles the swath width Ray bending broadens azimuth point target response. Non-linear correction needed at 450 MHz. Straight-line rays acceptable at 150 MHz and narrow apertures. Tomography and repeat pass InSAR requires stringent control on aircraft navigation (parallel paths). Is this achievable with any aircraft? Multiaperture beam formation proven to sound through Jacobshavn clutter. Processing scheme refined
GISMO Processor June 5, 2007
GISMO Processing Block Diagram Preprocessor (wing flutter update) Data stream merge SLC Files Coarse radar data Motion Data GPS/INS Wing accelerometer Radar Calibration Data Element position history and Time tag Read data Range Compresssion Back Projection SAR Processor Multilook Image formation InSAR post processor Clutter Rejection L/R Filter N-look interferograms Co-registration Coherence InSAR Processor Ice Density Profile Data Topo Estimator Phase Unwrap Phase Islands Smoothing Topography Products Geocode Mosaic Digital elevation Model Backscatter mosaic Coherence Mosaic Ray Bending Surface Topo Bottom Topo Estimate Sync’d fine radar data
GISMO Processor All source code and libraries in C++ All source code distributed to all team members Data stream yet to be optimized Tentantive assignments –Preprocessor and Merger – W. Blake, Rodriguez –SAR/InSAR processor – Wu –Ray Bending – Rodriguez –InSAR Post Processor – Wu –Topo estimator – TBD (Wu, Rodriguez, Jezek?) –Products – Wu, Jezek