The Influence of Green Technology on Consumers’ Purchasing Choices Special Topics in Marketing Research NCTU Fall 2007 Professor Charles Trappey Mike McCool
Research Paper Organization Literature review Research Questions Hypotheses (“answers” to research questions) Method Conclusions and suggestions for future research References Apendices
Literature Review Definition of terms (“green technology”) Recent findings concerning consumer attitudes – Growing trend in industry to study and exploit consumer attitudes towards green products – Trade-offs consumers make in purchase decisions – Skepticism towards green claims
Research questions 1. Does a consumer’s stated level of concern about environmental issues affect his or her decisions whether or not to purchase products with environmentally friendly attributes? 2. Are consumers with a relatively high level of concern about environmental issues more willing to pay a premium for a higher-priced green product than those with a relatively low level of concern about environmental issues?
Hypothesis 1 1. Consumers with a relatively high level of concern about environmental issues (greens) are more likely than those with a relatively low level of concern about environmental issues (reds) to purchase products with environmentally friendly attributes.
Hypothesis 2 1. When given a choice between a higher-priced green product and a less expensive but otherwise equivalent product, consumers with a relatively high level of concern about environmental issues (greens) are more likely than those with a relatively low level of concern about environmental issues (reds) to be willing to pay a premium for the green products.
Method, Part 1 Design – Descriptive approach – A survey was employed to examine the hypothesized relationships between environmental concern level and behavior in purchasing green products. Participants: A convenience sample was used (non- probability, “quick and dirty”) Apparatus: Questionnaire – Demographic info – Attitudes (concern) – Behavior – Willingness
Method, Part 2 Data collection procedure – , Facebook (friends, relatives) – Paper (students) Data analysis – Respondents divided along median base on “concern” responses (5-point Likert scale) – Means of high and low-concern groups’ behavior responses compared (t-test) – Means of high and low-concern groups’ willingness to pay more compare (t-test)
Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research Both means were found to be significantly different. The hypotheses were supported by these findings. A follow-up study is suggested using a more carefully designed survey and a random sample of respondents.
References and Appendices List of cited works Appendix A: Questionnaire Appendix B: Statistical analysis and results Appendix C: Presentation notes