Francisco Vazquez de Coronado by Susana Banuelos Vanessa Estrada Born in Spain Sailed for Spain Insert your pictures and maps right on top of the squares. 1510-1554
The original purpose of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado’s voyage was to find the seven golden cities.Spain sponsord .Coronado’s voyage to find the seven golden cities.He and his expedition first crossed present day America by following the Zuni River into Cibola in present-day New Mexico and entered Zuni Indian territory.He soon discovered that there was no gold. Members of his scouting party became the first to find the Colorado River and the great Grand Canyon . However ,Francisco Vazquez de Coronado did not find his original goal,the seven golden cities. Insert pictures of what he found on your page, too.
Francisco Vazquez de Coronados voyage was sucsessful Francisco Vazquez de Coronados voyage was sucsessful. Even though he didn’t find the seven golden cities he found the Colorado River and the great Grand Canyon.After his long voyage he went back to New Spain or Mexico.He was still govoner but his expedition left him and bankrupted him.He soon died on September 22 1544 in Mexico city Though Coronados voyage was successful. Insert any other pictures that help explain about your explorer’s voyage.