Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 1
Body Systems Figure 01.12
Chapter Opener Mummy’s Toe
Remember : Form affects Function Anatomy is the study of Form or Structure. Physiology is the study of Function. We are always learning more about both Anatomy and Physiology. Remember : Form affects Function
Metabolism is all the chemical reaction that occur in the body. Homeostasis is a constant internal environment achieved by the interaction of all the body systems Emergent Properties - The whole is greater than the sum of its parts Living things are much more than just a bag of parts. Synergy
All the chemical reactions of the body are controlled by feedback mechanisms
Figure 01.06
Figure 01.07
Body Planes
Anatomical Terminology Anatomical position – standing, face forward, arms at sides with palms forward. All organs are show in anatomical position or how they would be positioned in the body Relative Positions : Superior / Inferior Anterior / Posterior Medial / Lateral Bilateral / Ipsilateral / Contralateral Proximal / Distal Superficial / Deep
Oblique Cross Section Longitudinal
Body Cavities
Figure 01.08b
Figure 01.10
Figure 01.11
Body Region Adjectives Abdominal Acromial Antebrachial Antecubital Axillary Brachial Buccal Carpal Celiac Cephalic Cervical Costal Coxal Crural Cubital Digital Dorsal Femoral Genital Gluteal Inguinal Lumbar Mammary Mental Nasal Occipital Oral Orbital Otic Palmar Patellar Pectoral Pedal Pelvic Perineal Plantar Popliteal Sacral Sternal Sural Tarsal Umbilical Vertebral
Computerized Tomography Scans Box Figure 01.01a
Box Figure 01.01b