HEPResearchers Set-up JLCB and JLCC 20122013 2014 2015~6 Cite Decision Design ILC Lab. Japan Policy Council Positive Reference from New Prime Minister.


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Presentation transcript:

HEPResearchers Set-up JLCB and JLCC ~6 Cite Decision Design ILC Lab. Japan Policy Council Positive Reference from New Prime Minister Detailed Design of International Country Project Proposal to Science Council of Japan Formal Message on Hosting ILC in Japan Establish ILC Pre- J-Lab. ILC Host Recommendation to Government Cite/Host Establish Establish ILC -Lab. at European Strategy Meeting Dec. 11, 2012 ~ Sept. 28 Formal message on starting diplomatic negotiations of the ILC project by Japanese government Establish ILC Pre- J-Lab. ILC -Lab. ILC Pre- Lab.

Linear Collider Board -Komamiya- LinearColliderCollaboration -Lyn Evans- -Lyn Evans- ILC-JPre-Lab.  ILC PreLab. Lab. Director Lab. Strategy Council Vice Lab. Director Project Directorate Director Vice Directors Divisions Accelerator Detector Facility/Site EDMS KEK-Industry Consortium Administrative Directorate

4 KEK-ILC Preparation Organization, proposed (A. Yamamoto, November, 18, 2013) Mechanical Control & Comp. Cryogenics SRF Conv. Facility, Siting LCC -ILC Safety Electrical Acc. Design & Integr. Sources D.R. RTML & B.D. Main Linac BDS MDI System Tests ATF2, STF2, & STF-COI Physics-Detector KEK-LC Accelerator Phys. WG R&D WG Computing & Network Others MDI BDS KEK-ILC Project & Technical Management Tech. Baseline: Schedule: Cost, EDMS: Communication: A. Yamamoto KEK LC Project Promotion Committee Acc. Tech KEK ILC Project Preparation Center Directorate 13/11/25KEK-LC-Meeting

KEK ILC-Pre Lab. (Jan. 2014) J ILC-Pre Lab. (June 2014) ILC Pre. Lab. (~2015)

P5 Report  Government (Nov. 7)  Scientists are deeply concerned that the Japanese government would hesitate to advance the realization of the ILC project.  The world HEP scientists are strongly disappointed with media remarks about the JSC findings on the ILC project. This damage looks too serious.  Given these, it is urgent that the government unfolds its view on the JSC findings.  The government should now pay much attention on how to define interests to host the ILC in Japan. It is the next step to start governmental discussions about the budget and man-power sharing.

 The world HEP community understands that the next FALC is the best opportunity for the government message. year budget manpower  The Rolf Heuer (CERN), Nigel Lockyer (FNAL) and A.S (KEK) had the consensus that the time-profiles of budget-breakdown (CFS, accelerator, detector ・・・ ) and man-power-breakdown are essential for the governmental negotiation.

GDERD Linear Collider Directorate (LCD ) Accelerator/Detector R&D Site Recommendation Detailed Design for Construction Project Proposal ILCSC Linear Collider Board ( LCB ) Detailed Design for ILC Lab. Chart-out of Approval Process for instance, ICFA  IUPAP  OECD  Governmental Board ~6 In the next LCB : Proposal of Starting 2 WGs

11 Multi- National Lab. Country: Several Labs. Region: Several Countries Lab. Global Lab. Host Lab. CERN KEK-branch KEK CERN-branch Energy Frontier Projects (HL-LHC ILC)

Atsuto Suzuki (KEK)

Before it is settled that the ESS will be built in Lund, Sweden ・・・ We discussed how to power such a facility in an environmentally friendly manner ・・・ and wrote down to what will make ESS not only the world’s leading research facility, but also the first large-scale research facility that will be environmentally sustainable.

ILC Improve Efficiency Recover Energy Reuse Energy Reuse Energy Stand Alone Energy System Deliverable of