FACTS Sahara covers more than 3.5 million sq. mi. Death Valley (Mojave Desert) covers Nevada, Arizona, and California over 25,000 sq. mi.
CLIMATE Dry desert climate formed by high pressure zones Average temperature: Day 38 0 C, Night -3.9 o C Terrain Mountains Basins High Plain Sand dunes-less than 29% in North America, 11% in Sahara, and 30% in Arabian Water Groundwater-trapped in aquifers; close to surface may create an oasis (green, fertile haven) Surface water-streams form after rain; permanent rivers include Colorado River through Grand Canyon and Nile River in Egypt
Flora Barrel cactus Pancake prickly pear cactus Soaptree yucca Mojave aster Joshua tree Desert ironwood Fauna Camel Bobcat Coyote Desert kangaroo rat Many types of lizards and snakes Red-tailed hawk
Deserts cover 1/5 of the Earth’s land Extremely hot and dry during the day, cold at night Dangerous for humans to be exploring alone Receive less than 10 inches of rain annually Driest biome