Unit #1: Being a Scientist


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Presentation transcript:

Unit #1: Being a Scientist Thinking Like a Scientist

How do scientists learn about the world around us? Close your eyes!! We know: Science is the process of learning about the world around us. Scientist use skills when they learn about the world around us. I am going to ask you a question and I would like you to visualize an answer. When you think of a scientists doing science, what do you see? How do scientists learn about the world around us?

How do scientists learn about the world around us? Scientists use many different methods. There are three scientific methods that are very common! So, what are these scientific methods? What do you think is happening in these photos? Go!




Thinking Like a Scientist

DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN A descriptive design is used whenever it is impossible, unethical, or undesirable to use experiments. Instead, scientists study the world by making observations. Such as the earth, dinosaurs, and space. Scientists can learn about the world around them by using DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN. This means that a scientist OBSERVES and DESCRIBES the world around us. For example, scientists observe and describe animals, plants, planets, and rocks using a descriptive design.

DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN Example: A scientist observes and records their observations about the chimpanzees in the wild.

Thinking Like a Scientist

CORRELATIONAL DESIGN A correlational design allows scientists to identify relationships between two or more things or to use relationships in making inferences and predictions. Scientists make observations that lead them to ask new questions. Then a scientist might use a correlational design. The scientist makes observations and then looks at additional DATA to see if there is a RELATIONSHP between the OBSERVATIONS and some other factor.

CORRELATIONAL DESIGN Example: A scientist sees a dead fish in a stream. She wonders, “Is something in the water killing the fish?” She tests the water to find RELATIONSHIPS.

Thinking Like a Scientist

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN An experimental design is used whenever it is possible, ethical, and desirable to use experiments. Experimental design involves a hypothesis that can be tested. Scientists can learn about the world around them by using EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. They make OBSERVATIONS, ask QUESTIONS, form a HYPOTHESIS, make PREDICTIONS, and gather DATA in an EXPERIMENT. Then they study their RESULTS and draw CONCLUSIONS. In the end, scientists tell others their findings or COMMUNICATE their results!

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Example: A student observes that her cell phone is not working. She asks, “Why doesn’t my cell phone work?” Then, she forms a hypothesis, “The battery need to be changed.” And, she predicts, “If I charge the battery, then the phone will work.” She experiments by charging the battery and gathers data by trying the phone. She studies the results and determine the phone works. She makes a conclusion and communicates the results to her parents. “My hypothesis was supported and the phone works!”

Thinking Like a Scientist Go to Descriptive Design Go to Experimental Design Go to Correlational Design

DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN Example: An example of a descriptive correlational design is… Return to Reading

CORRELATIONAL DESIGN Correlational Design looks for RELATIONSHIPS in DATA. Example: An example of a correlational design is… Return to Reading

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Scientists answer QUESTIONS that can be TESTED. Example: An example of an experimental design is… Return to Reading

Check Your Understanding Example: A scientist experimenting with different groups of plants to see how different factors (temperature, rainfall & sunlight) affect their growth. Answer: Experimental Design

Check Your Understanding Example: A researcher might measure the relationship between time spent studying for a science test and student test scores to determine if there is a relationship. Answer: Correlational Design

Check Your Understanding Example: A scientist observing what happens to stars or galaxies by making daily observations through a telescope and recording their observations. Answer: Descriptive Design

Check Your Understanding Example: A group of art students who sketch the same group of trees throughout the year. Answer: Descriptive Design

Check Your Understanding Example: A scientist deciding if there is a relationship between the kind of clothing people wear and the current weather. Answer: Correlational Design

Check Your Understanding Example: A chef asking the question, “Why didn’t a recipe turn out correctly?” and experimenting with the recipe to determine an answer to the question. Answer: Experimental Design