AudioMD 指導教授:張迺貞 教授 報告者:曾嬿容 組 員:江政哲、劉慈心、鄭美珍 資訊組織研究
大綱 audioMD(Audio Technical Metadata Schema) audioMD 起源 audioMD 內容 audioMD data dictionary audioMD 與 METS 的關係 audioMD 的現況與發展
audioMD 起源 Digital Audio-Visual Preservation Prototyping Projects 美國國圖書館為了將電影、廣播等各式物件 上的影像與聲音記錄和儲存下來所進行的計 畫。 這個計畫是為了在維吉尼亞的國家視聽保存 中心做準備,從 1999 年就開始進行。 1st phase, ( ) : has produced a draft METS extension metadata schema and data dictionary for audio resources.
audioMD 起源 AudioMD has been adopted as an interim measure but little work seems to have been carried on VideoMD since Moreover, no tools yet exist for automated extraction of AudioMD or VideoMD which complicates their use somewhat.
AudioMD 內容 AudioMD accommodates information specific to audio items presented for file- format migration or to be digitized, such as channel or track specifications and sampling frequency. AudioMD is an audio type of metadata, a file-format specific technical metadata. Schema
AudioMD Data dictionary The elements provided by this schema include all key information necessary to make sense of the audio file (including, for instance, its format, bit rates, sampling frequencies, and any compression applied to it). This is a very usable schema of a minimum size and complexity necessary to be functional, that fits well into the metadata landscape.
AudioMD contains 37 technical metadata elements for describing an audio object. The data dictionary isn’t much more than a table of elements. It has been developed jointly by the Library of Congress and the Audio Engineering Society and has been adopted by the Library of Congress as an interim measure. AudioMD Data dictionary
audioMD 與 METS 的關係 The Library of Congress Audio-Visual Prototyping Project will use the emerging METS to encode the metadata for digital objects that complement general Dublin Core descriptive metadata. Unlike other official METS extension element sets, no tools yet exist for automated extraction of AudioMD and VideoMD data from digital objects.
Extension schemas objecMD & sourceMD PREMIS object Still images-MIX Audio-audioMD Text-textMD Video-videoMD rightsMD PREMIS rights METS rights XACML diviprovMD PREMIS agent PREMIS event Extension schemas of METS
audioMD 的現況與發展 Sophisticated metadata standards (e.g. MPEG-7, TV-Anytime, SMIL) and container schemas (MPEG-21 and METS) are now available for the archiving of moving image and sound resources. However, manual metadata creation is expensive and, in reality, little file level metadata is likely to exist separately from the content other than that which can be auto- generated.
audioMD 的現況與發展 Providing a minimum essential metadata set for the archiving of audio-visual resources is a daunting challenge. Therefore, the proposed element set uses a cascading approach whereby resource discovery elements are drawn firstly from the most generic established standard (Simple Dublin Core). These are augmented, where necessary, with generic resource management and technical preservation elements from other recognized standards (e.g. DC Terms and PREMIS). Some format-specific elements are then added but only where that is unavoidable.
audioMD 的現況與發展 Further research should be undertaken to compare the suitability of MPEG-21 and METS as containers for the metadata required for moving images and sound resources.
audioMD 的現況與發展 AHDS recommended minimum element set for the archiving of moving image and sound resources. 最小的元素組合.doc
Resources AHDS. Moving Images and Sound Archiving Study. ound_archiving_study1.pdf. Retrieved: 2008/11/19. ound_archiving_study1.pdf Judith Pearce & David Pearson. APSR METS Profile Development Project mets/METS_presentation.pdf. Retrieved: 2008/11/19. mets/METS_presentation.pdf Library of Congress. (2005). Audio-Visual Prototyping Project: AudioMD Data Dictionary. Retrieved: 2008/11/19. Library of Congress. (2005). Audio-Visual Prototyping Project: AudioMD Schema. Retrieved: 2008/11/19. Library of Congress. (2005). Digital Audio-Visual Preservation Prototyping Projects. Retrieved: 2008/11/19.
Resources Library of Congress. “Extension Schemas for the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard,” Audio-Visual Prototype Project Working Document, 5 January 2004, Retrieved: 2008/11/19. Lisa Schmidt. Multimedia Metadata Extension Schemas /1/A-I--MultiMeta.doc. Retrieved: 2008/11/ /1/A-I--MultiMeta.doc 張迺貞等( 2008 )。美國國會圖書館數位保存雛 型計畫技術探討 - 訪談美國國家視聽保存中心 Carl Fleischhauer 。中華民國圖書館學會會訊, 16(1/2) , pp 。
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