Technology and Design for Socio-Economic Development Kentaro Toyama Assistant Managing Director Microsoft Research India TCS Excellence in Computer Science January 9, 2008 – Pune, India
India People Area Technology ~1.1 billion people 22 languages Over half under 25 years old 22 languages Annual incomes $100-$100M+ 28 states Area ~1/3 the area of United States Technology ~25M PCs, installed base ~200M mobile subscriptions +7M each month Roads in India Sources: CIA Factbook, TRAI, CNN
India, a Personal View Huge potential opportunity for computing. People ~1.1 billion people Over half under 25 years old 22 official languages Annual incomes $100-$100M+ 28 states Area ~1/3 the area of United States Technology ~25M PCs, installed base ~200M mobile subscriptions +7M each month but, power held by few tremendous energy and optimism incredible diversity, EM microcosm reminiscent of European Union impact of weather (ubiquity of agriculture) huge interest in PCs, by everyone mobiles, mobiles, everywhere Huge potential opportunity for computing. But, there are new challenges that neither India nor industry has ever faced before.
Infosys campus, Bangalore
A small Internet café on a market street in a town near Bombay
Rural village with a VSAT Internet connection near Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Rural school in Chinhat, Uttar Pradesh
MSR India Established January, 2005 Goals World-class academic research Contributions to Microsoft products and businesses Support growth of research programs in India and elsewhere Six research areas Cryptography Digital Geographics Hardware, Communications, and Systems Multilingual Systems Rigorous Software Engineering Technology for Emerging Markets Currently ~50 full-time staff, growing Collaborations with government, academia, industry, and NGOs Microsoft Research India Sadashivnagar, Bangalore
Technology for Emerging Markets Research Goals Understand potential technology users in economically poor communities Adapt, invent, or design applications that contribute to socio-economic development of poor communities worldwide Computer-skills camp in Nakalabande, Bangalore (MSR India, Stree Jagruti Samiti, St. Joseph’s College) 9
Sample Projects MSR India: TEM Rural Microfinance and IT Rural Kiosk Entrepreneurs Sample Projects Can computers help existing structures for rural microfinance? Study on the challenges and uniqueness of rural kiosk entrepreneurs MSR India: TEM Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan Associate Researcher Nimmi Rangaswamy Associate Researcher Text-Free UI Warana Unwired Digital Green UIs without text for users who are illliterate and may never have seen a computer before Experiments with SMS text-messaging in a sugarcane cooperative Video and mediated instruction for agriculture extension Indrani Medhi Assistant Researcher Rajesh Veeraraghavan Associate Researcher Rikin Gandhi Assistant Researcher Government and Kiosks Simultaneous Shared Access IT and Microentrepreneurs The state’s role in rural kiosk projects, with a focus on Kerala and Andhra Multiplying the value of PCs by allowing many users to access. Information ecology of small businesses in developing markets Renee Kuriyan Research Intern Udai Singh Pawar Associate Researcher Jonathan Donner Researcher 10
Human Computer Interfaces
Human Computer Interfaces
Human Computer Interfaces
Human Computer Interfaces
Human Computer Interfaces
Human Computer Interfaces
Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan Interdisciplinary Research Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan – International Development Society Society Public Administration and Jonathan Donner – Communications Nimmi Rangaswamy Group Group – Social Anthropology Impact Impact Understanding Understanding Indrani Medhi – Design Individual Individual Kentaro Toyama – Computer Science Randy Wang – Computer Science Technology Technology Paul Javid Innovation Innovation – Computer Science Rikin Gandhi – Astrophysics
Sample Projects MSR India: TEM Rural Microfinance and IT Rural Kiosk Entrepreneurs Sample Projects Can computers help existing structures for rural microfinance? Study on the challenges and uniqueness of rural kiosk entrepreneurs MSR India: TEM Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan Associate Researcher Nimmi Rangaswamy Associate Researcher Text-Free UI Warana Unwired Digital Green UIs without text for users who are illliterate and may never have seen a computer before Experiments with SMS text-messaging in a sugarcane cooperative Video and mediated instruction for agriculture extension Indrani Medhi Assistant Researcher Rajesh Veeraraghavan Associate Researcher Rikin Gandhi Assistant Researcher Government and Kiosks Simultaneous Shared Access IT and Microentrepreneurs The state’s role in rural kiosk projects, with a focus on Kerala and Andhra Multiplying the value of PCs by allowing many users to access. Information ecology of small businesses in developing markets Renee Kuriyan Research Intern Udai Singh Pawar Associate Researcher Jonathan Donner Researcher 18
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