Preparations for the 2012 Athens Trigger Workshop Trigger Workshop Panel John Baines (chair), Thorsten Wengler, Bill Murray, Tatsuo Kawamoto, Olga Igonkina, Hal Evans, Gustaaf Brooijmans Ex. officio: Chris Bee, Brian Petersen, David Strom, Simon George 1
Athens Trigger Workshop 2012 Dates: 3-7 Dec. – 9:00 on 3rd to mid-day on 7th. Location: – Eden Beach Resort Hotel, Annavyssos, Attica (nr Athens), Greece Eden Beach Resort Hotel Information: 2 Workshop aims: Spread information on plans & developments : L1, DAQ, Trigger & Computing Develop Trigger strategy for 2014/15 and beyond For /s=13-14TeV and luminosities up to 2-3x10 34 cm -2 s -1 Determine work needed in preparation for 2014/15 running where new selections/strategies are needed Provide input: to TDAQ on dataflow & farm requirements. to Data Prep/Computing on trigger output rate. Identify potential trigger issues that could limit future physics potential.
Workshop Structure 3 Mon 3Tue 4Wed 5Thur 6Fri 7 Session 1: Introduction Session 2: Lepton & Photon Session 3 : Hadronic final states Session 3: cntdSession 4: cntd Session 4: Topological & New Directions Closeout lunch Session 1: CntdSession 2: cntd Visit to Athens Special Session C L1Topo Special Session A L2/EF merging Special Session B FTK Session 4: Cntd Session Convenors: Session 1: Introductory session: Frank Winklmeier & Jamie Boyd Session 2: Lepton & Photon Triggers: Alex Oh, Alessandro Tricoli Session 3: Triggers for Hadronic Final States: Frank Filthaut, Zach Marshall Session 4: Topological Triggers & New Directions: David Strom, Richard Hawkings
Special Sessions Special Session A - L2/EF Merging: Werner Wiedenmann, Joerg Stelzer – What is planned/possible in core sw/steering – What is planned/possible for ID, Muon, Calo reconstruction – What would signatures like to do to benefit from this merger? Special Session B - FTK: Jiri Masik, Lauren Tompkins – Short summary of status & timescales: What FTK can provide and when it will be available – Use of FTK information at the HLT: What would signatures like to do? What are the requirements? – Discussion on what we can do with the early phase of FTK where we have only barrel coverage. Special Session C – L1top: tbc – Share information between signatures & L1 experts – What would signatures like to do with topology? – What is possible/what is not possible? 4
Please Register by 1 st November 5 We Look forward to seeing you in Athens!
Session 1 Convenors: Jamie Boyd, Frank Winklmeier 6 Welcome & Introduction (9:00-10:40) Welcome, Overview of programme & workshop aims Relevant information from Run Coordination – LHC running scenarios after LS1 (25ns vs 50ns) – Schedule for LS1 – Detector upgrades relevant for trigger (IBL, muons, etc..) – L1 rate limits from detectors after LS1 Physics Priorities for 2014/15 and beyond
Systems Evolution (11:00-13:00) Level-1 changes during LS1 (excl. topological trigger) – Changes to L1Calo, L1Muon and CTP during LS1 – Emphasise areas where changes to the hardware are still possible depending on the physic input Level-1 topological trigger – Describe the expected capabilities (including limitations) of the new Level-1 topological trigger – Emphasise areas which require input from the physics groups DAQ changes during LS1 – Changes to the DAQ system during LS1 including ROS, ROBin, networking and SFO – DataFlow evolution – Expected DAQ rate and bandwidth limits for 2015 and beyond – Concentrate on the areas that have direct impact on the trigger and where additional input is needed from the trigger community to define the new system HLT changes during LS1 – Changes planned in the trigger core software relevant for the trigger signatures during LS1 – Introduce L2/EF merging and highlight possible benefits for trigger algorithms – Summarise existing requirements from the signature groups after LS1 and highlight areas where additional input is needed – Use of FTK information in HLT (including FTK installation schedule) 7
Menus, Rates, TDAQ Operations Relevant information from Offline Computing and Data Preparation – Possibility of using Tier0 as Level 4 trigger (event selection) – Streaming – Offline limits (CPU, disk space) Trigger menu and rates after LS1 – Expected trigger rates for 2015 and beyond – Strawman menu Expected online resource limitations after LS1 – Overview of limitations hit in 2012 – Expected limits in 2015 – Some examples of possible uses of online resources Discussion – Identify particular issues to be followed up during workshop. 8
Session 2 Alessandro Tricoli Alex Oh
Topics 1.Evolution of lepton+photons triggers (e,gamma,mu,tau): – Physics goals for 2015 – How to keep and improve 2012 performance (physics yield) in 2015 conditions. – Threshold evolution, interplay between trigger levels, optimize the turn-on region. – Topological Triggers and multi-object triggers, use-cases Experience: Walk-through of analysis using examples of analysis with multi-object triggers 3.Supporting triggers for 2015 – Background sample collection used for e.g. fake determination. – Relation between systematics of measurement and statistics of background sample. – Trigger and offline reco efficiency and systematics (e.g. W/Z/Jpsi) – Example of photon trigger 4.Software/HW development foreseen by lepton signatures – Optimization of offline SW for online usage. – Transfer of (planned) offline developments, impact on HLT software. e.g. pile up dependent cuts, MVA selections – Incorporateation of new core sw developments / FTK – Inefficiencies at L1/HLT wrt to Offline, how to minimize them. – Think beyond the limitations of the framework / HW …
First Thoughts on Talks for session 2 9h00-10h40 – Triggers (primary & supporting) for Top, SM, Higgs – Triggers (primary & supporting) for SUSY, Exotics – Performance evolution 11h00-13h00 – Topological and multi object triggers – 2012 Walkthrough SUSY +Higgs – 2012 Walkthrough Bphys – ID tracking developments 14h00-15h40 – Software/HW development egamma – Software/HW development muon – Software/HW development tau – Wrap-up