Table 8.1: Number of Procurement by Year, Number of procurement by year Total=162 Year Number of donors Rate of procurement (per million population) Organs procured Cornea Heart Liver Kidney Heart valve Bone Skin Lung
Figure 8.1: Number of Procurement by Year, Number of patients (n) Year
Table 8.2: Distribution of Donor’s Age, Donor’s age (years) 1997 N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % % % % % % < No data Total Mean SD Median Minimum <1 * 833 Maximum ** 7781 ** * The youngest tissue donor was 37 days old donated heart valves in 2003; the youngest organ donor was 2.5 years old donated kidneys and eyes in ** The oldest tissue donor was 81 years old donated eyes in 2005; the oldest organ donor was 65 years old donated kidneys in 2001.
Figure 8.2: Distribution of Donors by Age,
Number of patients (n) Donor's Age Group (years) in <1010-<2020-<3030-<4040-<50≥50 Donor Age Group (years)
Donor’s gender 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % Male Female Donor’s gender 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % Male Female Table 8.3: Distribution of Donors by Gender,
Figure 8.3: Distribution of Donors by Gender, Number of patients Male Female Year
Donor’s ethnic group 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Others Donor’s ethnic group 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Others Table 8.4: Distribution of Donors by Ethnic Group,
Figure 8.4: Distribution of Donors by Ethnic Group, Number of patients (n) Malay Chinese Indian Others Year
Donor’s religion 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % Islam Buddhism Hinduism Christianity Others Unknown Donor’s religion 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % Islam Buddhism Hinduism Christianity Others Unknown Table 8.5: Donor’s religion,
Figure 8.5: Distribution of Donors by Religion, Proportion of patients (%) Islam Buddhism Hinduism Christianity Others Unknown Year
Donor’s nationality 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % Malaysian Non-Malaysian Donor’s nationality 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % Malaysian Non-Malaysian Table 8.6: Distribution of Donors by Nationality,
Figure 8.6: Distribution of Donors by Nationality, Proportion of patients (%) Malaysian Non-Malaysian Year
Donor’s state of residence* 1997 N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % % % % % % Johor Malacca Negeri Sembilan Selangor WP Kuala Lumpur WP Putrajaya Perak Kedah Perlis Pulau Pinang Pahang Terengganu Kelantan Sabah Sarawak Others** Unknown *State of residence according to home address ** Others constitute donors who were foreigners, one from Yangon Myanmar in 2003 and another from Taiwan in 2006 Table 8.7: Distribution of Donors by State of Residence,
Donor’s pledged status 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % Pledged donors Non-pledged donors Donor’s pledged status 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % Pledged donors Non-pledged donors Table 8.8: Donor’s Pledged Status,
Figure 8.8: Donor’s Pledged Status, Proportion of patients (%) Pledged Non-Pledged Year
Type of donors 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % BD (Brain Death) DCD (Donations after Cardiac Death) * Type of donors 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % BD (Brain Death) DCD (Donations after Cardiac Death) * *DCD involve tissue donation only Table 8.9: Distribution of Donors by Type,
Figure 8.9: Distribution of Donors by Type, Proportion of patients (%) BD DCD Year
Causes of death 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 Brain dead donors N=4 Cardiac death tissue donors N=1 Brain dead donors N=6 Cardiac death tissue donors N=1 Brain dead donors N=4 Cardiac death tissue donors N=0 Brain dead donors N=11 Cardiac death tissue donors N=2 Brain dead donors N=20 Cardiac death tissue donors N=4 No.% % % % % % % % % % Injury from MVA Injury from fall Injury from assault Injury from industrial accident Spontaneous hypertensive intracranial bleed Spontaneous AVM/Aneurysm intracranial bleed Brain anoxia Brain tumour Thrombo embolic brain infarct Cardiac disease Drowning Others Unknown Table 8.10: Distribution of Donors by Cause of death,
Causes of death 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 Brain dead donors N=17 Cardiac death tissue donors N=13 Brain dead donors N=8 Cardiac death tissue donors N=17 Brain dead donors N= 10 Cardiac death tissue donors N=6 Brain dead donors N=5 Cardiac death tissue donors N=8 Brain dead donors N=14 Cardiac death tissue donors N=11 Brain dead donors N=99 Cardiac death tissue donors N=63 No.% % % % % % % % % % % % Injury from MVA Injury from fall Injury from assault Injury from industrial accident Spontaneous hypertensive intracranial bleed Spontaneous AVM/Aneurysm intracranial bleed Brain anoxia Brain tumour Thrombo embolic brain infarct Cardiac disease Drowning Others Unknown
Blood group No. (%) 1997 N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N= N=14 Total N=99 A positive1(25)1(17)0(0)1(9)5(25)4(24)4(50)2(20)1(20)4(29)23(23) B positive0(0)1(17)1(25)5(45)4(20)4(24)2(25)4(40)2(40)5(36)28(28) AB positive1(25)1(17)0(0) 1(5)0(0) 2(14)5(5) O positive2(50)2(33)3(75)5(45)10(50)8(47)1(13)4(40)2(40)3(21)40(41) Unknown0(0)1(17)0(0) 1(6)1(13)0(0) 3(3) Blood group is only ascertained in brain dead donors and is not done for tissue donors post -cardiac deaths Table 8.11: Distribution of Organ Donors by Blood Group,
Figure 8.11: Distribution of Organ Donors by Blood Group, Number of patients (n) Year A+ B+ AB+ O
Distribution of Organ Donors by Blood Group B+ 28% A+ 23% Unknown 3% AB+ 5% O+ 41 %
Distribution of Organ Donors by Blood Group 2006 A+ 29% 0+ 21% B+ 36% AB+ 14%
Institution where donor came from 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % MOH state/general hospitals MOH district hospitals University hospitals Private hospitals Home Institution where donor came from 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % MOH state/general hospitals MOH district hospitals University hospitals Private hospitals Home Table 8.12a: Distribution of Donors by Institution of Origin,
Figure 8.12a: Distribution of Donors by Institution of Origin, Proportion of patients (%) Year MOH state/G. Hospitals MOH district hospitals University hospitals Private hospitals Home
Location where donor was referred from 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % ICU Ward Emergency department Mortuary Home Data not available Location where donor was referred from 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % ICU Ward Emergency department Mortuary Home Data not available Table 8.12b: Distribution of Donors by Referral Site,
Figure 8.12b: Distribution of Donors by Referral Site, Proportion of patients (%) Year ICU Ward Emergency department Mortuary Home Not available
Location where procurement was carried out 1997 N= N= N= N= N=24 No.% % % % % Operation theatre Mortuary Ward Home Data not available Location where procurement was carried out 2002 N= N= N= N= N=25 Total N=162 No.% % % % % % Operation theatre Mortuary Ward Home Data not available Table 8.12c: Distribution of Donors by Procurement Site,
Figure 8.12c: Distribution of Donors by Procurement Site, Proportion of patients (%) Operation theatre Mortuary Ward Home Not available Year