The Baroque Music Period (1600-1750)
Common Baroque Instruments
ORGAN Keyboard wind instrument Commonly associated with church music First invented in the 3rd century BC
Harpsichord Similar to piano Strings played by plucking rather than hammering Lost popularity when the pianoforte was invented
Baroque Composers
Johann Sebastian Bach Member of a large musical family Favorite instrument was the organ His death in 1750 marked the end of the Baroque Period in music Wrote “Brandenburg Concerto” and “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”
George Frideric Handel Born in Germany, studied music in Italy, and lived mainly in England Best known for his vocal works Wrote “The Messiah” which includes the Hallelujah Chorus Went blind late in his life.
Antonio Vivaldi The son of a professional violinist Was a Catholic priest Composed The Four Seasons.
Scientific Discoveries People were beginning to trust their own minds Scientists such as Galileo and Newton were unlocking the secrets of the universe Telescope Microscope
During the Baroque Period… The first permanent British colony is formed in Jamestown, VA,(1607) The first African slaves are brought to British America(1619) 20 young women are tried and killed for witchcraft in Salem, Mass.(1692) George Washington is born in Virginia. (1732)
Characteristics of Baroque Music -Emphasized emotion in music writing -Repetitive rhythms that drive the music forward -”Flowery” and fast movement -Complex melodies that repeat -Dynamics are important finally -Uses embellishments, ornamentation and word painting
-Unique harmonies -Bass lines that repeat. *Ostinatos -BAROQUE- comes from the Italian word “baracco” meaning exuberant (over the top) -Composers usually wrote music for a specific reason. They often wrote church music, concertos, or for specific people in the courts where they worked. These people were called patrons. -The term COMMISSION means that a composer is paid to compose music for someone specific. COUNTERPOINT- 2 or more different ideas or lines of music interacting