The Inca Empire of South America “It is not well to kill and destroy. For in the end the conquered peoples are all ours, and we should not destroy our.


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Presentation transcript:

The Inca Empire of South America

“It is not well to kill and destroy. For in the end the conquered peoples are all ours, and we should not destroy our own.” “It is not well to kill and destroy. For in the end the conquered peoples are all ours, and we should not destroy our own.” - Pachacuti (Sapa Inca) What does this statement say (in your own words)? What does it tell you about Pachacuti as a leader?

The Inca The Inca civilization built a vast empire in the Andes Mountains of South America about 800 years ago. Like all societies, the Inca were heavily influenced by the geography of the area where they lived. The Inca civilization built a vast empire in the Andes Mountains of South America about 800 years ago. Like all societies, the Inca were heavily influenced by the geography of the area where they lived.

Geography Located on the Pacific Ocean, the Inca Empire included tropical lowlands, pampas, mountains, and many rivers including the Amazon. Located on the Pacific Ocean, the Inca Empire included tropical lowlands, pampas, mountains, and many rivers including the Amazon.

Andean Agriculture The first advanced cultures of South America appeared in the Andes area. These people fished the Pacific Ocean, hunted animals, and grew a variety of different food crops including: peppers, beans, squash, nuts, cotton, and potatoes. The first advanced cultures of South America appeared in the Andes area. These people fished the Pacific Ocean, hunted animals, and grew a variety of different food crops including: peppers, beans, squash, nuts, cotton, and potatoes.

Inca Farming Techniques The Inca, like many other mountain societies, developed techniques for farming on hillsides. They cut Terraces into the steep, rocky mountains to plant crops. The Inca, like many other mountain societies, developed techniques for farming on hillsides. They cut Terraces into the steep, rocky mountains to plant crops.

Inca Society The Inca had rigid social structures divided into two large classes, each with their own hierarchy. The two large classes were: The Inca had rigid social structures divided into two large classes, each with their own hierarchy. The two large classes were: Nobles Nobles –3 Ranks of Nobles Commoners Commoners –Work duties are divided by gender and age

Inca Society continued The Inca lived in communities called Ayllus. These ayllus shared everything – land, food, animals, work, and resources. Bartering was the way of trade – not money. The Inca lived in communities called Ayllus. These ayllus shared everything – land, food, animals, work, and resources. Bartering was the way of trade – not money. All land in the Inca Empire was communal property. The government owned the land and the peasant farmers had to grow the food. 1/3 of the crops went to the government, 1/3 to the priests, 1/3 to the Ayllus. All land in the Inca Empire was communal property. The government owned the land and the peasant farmers had to grow the food. 1/3 of the crops went to the government, 1/3 to the priests, 1/3 to the Ayllus.

Inca Religion The Inca had no written language so we don’t know a lot about their religion, but we do know that they worshipped many gods. The sun god named Inti played a big part in the religion. The emperor was viewed as a descendant of Inti. The emperor was mummified after death… The Inca had no written language so we don’t know a lot about their religion, but we do know that they worshipped many gods. The sun god named Inti played a big part in the religion. The emperor was viewed as a descendant of Inti. The emperor was mummified after death…

Ice Maidens The Inca were not known for massive, gruesome, and bloody human sacrifice. However, they did have a form of human sacrifice that they engaged in on rare occasions. At certain points, children would be chosen to join the gods. It was considered an honor. Priests would lead the kids on a long journey to the top of a mountain, feed them corn alcohol, and allow the kids to fall asleep and freeze to death. At certain points, children would be chosen to join the gods. It was considered an honor. Priests would lead the kids on a long journey to the top of a mountain, feed them corn alcohol, and allow the kids to fall asleep and freeze to death.