The Aztecs and the Mayans 1
Location The Aztecs and the Mayans lived in what is often called Mesoamerica. 2
Aztecs | The Beginning 3
Mayans| The Beginning 4 Teotihuacan “Beginning of Time”
Society Both the civilizations were divided into 4 classes. Emperor Rulers Nobles & Priests Slaves Merchants, craftsmen, & peasants Nobles & priests Freemen, craftsmen, & farmers Slaves 5
Belief System Both the Aztec and Mayans were polytheists, Sun god, called Huitzilopochtli (Aztec), he was also the god of war. There were many gods (the Mayans even had a god of tattoos)! Both of the civilizations used human sacrifice, they thought it makes the god happy. War prisoners were killed, the Aztecs killed them by having their hearts cut out. Tlaloc, the god of rain (Aztec), when there was a drought, the Aztecs sacrificed babies hoping it would rain. Before each sacrifice, the Mayan prisoners were forced to play Pok-A-Tok. In this game, you had to bounce a rubber ball using only your elbows and knees. After playing this, they were then sacrificed. 6
The End 7 Both civilizations wiped out by Spanish conquest (More died of disease than combat)
The INca Empire
Background Empire extended along the Pacific coast and Andean highlands from northern border of modern Ecuador to Maule River in central Chile Official language: Quecha
Polytheistic rituals included sacrifice of humans and animals Inti- Sun God
Important Positions Local governors responsible for exacting labor tax which could be paid by service in army, on public works, or in agricultural work Coya carried out important religious duties and governed when Sapa Inca absent Nobles ruled Inca conquered provinces w/ chieftains
Political Philosophy Officials collected taxes, enforced laws, kept records on a quipi (collection of knotted colored strings) which noted dates, events, population, crops Roads All land belonged to Inca, crops allotted to specific groups, government took possession of each harvest Private property forbidden, crime nonexistent, citizens never starved Oral Tradition
Economic Developments constructed aquaducts, cities, temples, fortresses, short rock tunnels, suspension bridges, 2250mi road system metal works of alloy, copper, tin, bronze, silver gold developed important medical practices- surgery on human skull, anesthesia resources-corn, potatoes, coffee, grain created woven baskets, woodwinds
Military Expansion Attacked, looted villages of neighboring peoples, assessing tribute Conquered people of Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru Gained territory south to the Titicaca Basin, north to present-day Quito and conquered its people
Cultural Conflict & Cooperation Spaniards superior military technology horses, muskets, cannons, metal helmets, armor, steel swords and lances Incan Bronze Age weapons llamas, clubs, sticks, wooden spears and arrows