Maya Aztec Inca
Northern Guatemala Independent City-State – linked through alliances and trade Ruled by a god-king Pyramids, temples, palaces dedicated to gods and rulers Tallest buildings in Americas until Flatiron Building in 1903
Grew maize, beans, and squash Slash-and-burn agriculture Burn vegetation and plant in ashes Built raised beds above swamps and hillside terraces Cacao (chocolate) beans could be used as forms of currency
Achievements Human sacrifice to please gods Calendar – two of them 260-day religious calendar 365-day solar calendar Used in tandem to identify best times to plant crops, attack enemies, etc Writing system Glyphs 800 symbols Bark paper books Codex Math Developed decimal system Used the concept of zero Nobility - priests and warriors Merchants and master artisans Peasants
Abandoned cities in late 800s Warfare broke out between city-states = disrupted trade Soil erosion = poor crops food shortages
Tenochtitlan Founded on a small island in Lake Texcoco 200,000 plus people Build raised roads connecting island to mainland Massive palaces, temples, markets, residential districts City divided by canals Aqueducts brought fresh water to city
Military society Empire divided into 38 provinces Local rulers govern own territory and pay tribute Gold, maize, cacao beans, cotton, jade Emperor ruled society absolute power Nobility made up of military leaders, gov’t officials, and priests
Emperor Nobility Commoners (farmers, soldiers, merchants) Slaves
Hundreds of temples and religious structures dedicated to the gods Adopted beliefs and practices from Toltecs Public ceremonies and rituals to communicate with gods Sacrifices to Huitzilopochtil (Sun God) to keep him nourished with human blood Thousands of POWs sacrificed and hearts carved out Constant need for sacrifices as a result
Farming Chinampas Farm plots built on fringes of lake Floating gardens 7 crops a year Decline Montezuma II emperor Constant warfare for tribute and sacrificial victims weakening Aztec Spanish conquistadors Prophecy, technology, and disease
Crime 1. Adultery 2. Commoner wearing cotton clothes 3. Cutting down a living tree 4. Drunkenness 5. Handling stolen property 6. Kidnapping 7. Treason Punishment 1. Death 2. Death 3. Death 4. 1 st Off. Head shaved, house destroyed 2 nd Off. Death 5. Sold into slavery 6. Sold into slavery 7. Death, loss of property, destruction of land, children sold into slavery
Land ownership State lands, religious lands, community lands Terrace farming Maize, free-drying potatoes Ayllu small groups of people working for communal good Everyone must contribute through labor Mita labor tribute to work on state farmlands, build public works, work in state warehouses
Spread wealth, production, and distribution throughout society Families divided into groups of 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 Each group led by a chief Local chief report to regional chief all the way up to Cuzco
Reinforce power of state Fewer gods than Aztecs Focused on nature spirits (stars, moon, thunder) Incan ruler descendent of Inti – sun god) Young men women drafted into religious service
Controlled lands through conquest and diplomacy Allowed areas to keep own customs One official language – Quechua Built cities and roads in conquered areas to control populations Quipo knotted string to record data Red strings counted warriors
Built 14,000 miles of roads and bridges to connect empire Guest houses along trail Runners employed as a postal service Move troops easily Two calendars – one for night and one for day
Civil war Spanish arrival Technology Disease