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The Inca South America
So, we have to ask one question. Who are these people!?
The Landscape Inca built much of their empire on the Andes Mountains. Inca built much of their empire on the Andes Mountains. It was so high that the air was very thin. It was so high that the air was very thin. Very rough terrain. Very rough terrain. Some volcanoes. Some volcanoes.
Lake Titicaca Seriously… I’m not kidding. That’s what it is called.
The Lake About 13,000 feet above sea level. That’s higher than Mount Fuji! This is where the Inca built their empire. They had to adapt to the thin air. One of the key adaptations was use of the llama.
Adaptations Their lungs were larger and their legs were shorter and stronger than others. Their lungs were larger and their legs were shorter and stronger than others. Grew many types of food because of the changing land. Grew many types of food because of the changing land. Dug canals, moved rivers and cut the mountains into terraces. Dug canals, moved rivers and cut the mountains into terraces.
Farming Lots of terraces!
Animals (llamas) Beans and Maize (corn) Incans used terraces just like the Mayans. Grew different crops at different altitudes (heights). Need to do this to provide enough food. Fruits and Peppers
Animals Animals can survive at higher elevations. Animals can survive at higher elevations. Incans raised llamas and alpacas mostly. Incans raised llamas and alpacas mostly. Thick fur helped them survive the harsh weather. Thick fur helped them survive the harsh weather.
Guinea pigs! On special occasions the meat of the guinea pig would be eaten. Also, on certain occasions, they would eat corn cobs.
Economy No money but they did trade. No money but they did trade. 1/3 of your earnings went to the priests. 1/3 of your earnings went to the priests. 1/3 went to the king. 1/3 went to the king. 1/3 went to the people and out of that you had to pay your taxes. 1/3 went to the people and out of that you had to pay your taxes.
Inca Class Structure Nobles Everybody else Easy huh?
Class System The Inca really only had two classes, nobles and commoners. The Inca really only had two classes, nobles and commoners. Commoners owned nothing and their lives were controlled by the nobles. Commoners owned nothing and their lives were controlled by the nobles. Most nobles did not work at all. Most nobles did not work at all. It was possible to move up in class but wasn’t common. It was possible to move up in class but wasn’t common.