Speed Reading I.Introduction A.Purpose 1.Realize value of strategies you are already using 2.Introduce a wide spectrum of ideas/strategies to pick and choose from 3.Enhance your level of reading confidence a.Speed b.Comprehension
Speed Reading B.Supplies 1.Pen/Pencil 2.Highlighter 3.Paper 4.Calculator 5.Stopwatch 6.3x5 card 7.Reading Material
Speed Reading C.Focus 1.Non-fiction: periodicals, textbooks, informational 2.Race car analogy
Speed Reading II.Putting the key into the ignition A.Benefits of speed reading 1.Read more in less time 2.Improve your concentration 3.Understand with greater depth and accuracy 4.Retain information better 5.Enjoy reading more 6.Higher test scores 7.Feel in control of information overload 8.Surf the web more efficiently 9.Skim directions for purchased items 10.Advanced planning, because you know how long reading takes
Speed Reading B.Work with a Pro 1.Experiment and apply principles to come 2.Take your time and practice a.You wouldn’t go on a race without practice 3.Trust the advice of those more experienced
Speed Reading C.Five reasons to get into the race 1.Your attitude: “I am a(n)_______ reader.” a.Positive = more time reading b.Negative = not a satisfying experience 1)Day dream 2)Slow 3)Reread a lot 4)Still don’t get it 5)Get bored easily c.Learning and growing through reading helps you become professionally and personally successful
Speed Reading 2.You are only human a.Your brain won’t accept SD cards 3.Lack of reading training a.Knowing how to read is one thing…reading quickly with comprehension is another
Speed Reading 4.Your “To Read” pile a.The “Too high to read” pile b.Decide what to read carefully, what to skim, and what to disregard 5.Not having enough time a.What will you do to gain that time back? TAKE YOUR FIRST TIME TRIAL!
Speed Reading III.What do your numbers mean? A = Slow Reader 1.Slow because they read at talking speed 2.“Talkers” usually have 1 of 2 issues a.Move their lips while reading b.Mentally say every word they read 3.They basically “hear” every word read 4.Day Dreaming a.We talk at WPM b.We think at approximately 400 WPM c.That leaves 250 WPM with nothing to do
Speed Reading 5.Fall asleep a.Your “in your head voice” tends to be monotone and boring B = Average Reader 1.Mentally whisper less than slow readers 2.Mentally engaged (Think more while reading) C = Good Reader 1.May mentally talk, but much less than slow and average D = Above Average Reader 1.Have the habits already even though they may not know what it’s called
Speed Reading IV.How does your comprehension rank? A.Good comprehension is percent B.100% is excellent, but because you are human it’s hard to maintain C.Most people do better than they’d guess 1.If you thought you did worse than you actually did…trust your brain more 2.Believe you can comprehend more
Speed Reading D.10 things your elementary teacher told you to do & your secondary teachers should have told you to stop 1.Read every word 2.Sound out every word in your head 3.Don’t use your hands or fingers to read 4.You need to completely understand everything you read 5.You need to remember everything you read 6.Go for quantity – the more the better 7.Don’t skim, that’s cheating 8.Don’t write in your books 9.It doesn’t matter what you read – just read 10.Speed is not important
Speed Reading V.Add a stick shift to your reading A.Your eyes naturally follow movement B.Pacers 1.Hand, pen, blank white card 2.It will help you shift gears to a higher speed 3.In racing the pace car gets the race cars up to speed so the race can begin a.It gets out of the way b.It comes back when necessary
Speed Reading C.Every chapter will introduce a new pacer 1.Keep your pacer going down the page not across it 2.Do not stop or go back D.Pacer number one- Blank 3 x 5 card 1.Don’t cover what you are going to read 2.Cover what you have read a.This helps you avoid going back unnecessarily
Hint: If you have 5 or more unread back issues of any 1 publication, chances are you either don’t have time for it or do not find value in it.