Film Promotion (Magazine Cover)
Empire: I Am Legend The main image of the film says who our main character and because he is carrying a gun he has to defend himself from others, fight to stay alive and be willing to kill. The colour red represents the danger and violence that takes place in the film and that blood will be spilt. These tag lines are used to sell the film by naming a big Hollywood actor and by calling it an epic film make more people want to go and see it. By having the title of the film in the largest font apart from the title of the magazine cover makes it eye catching and feel important. The colour of the masthead matches the conventions of the taglines in red which represent danger and violence. This tagline tells the audience that this magazine only covers the best films and with I Am Legend being the main focus of the cover it would be seen by the audience as the best of the best.
Total Film: The Hunger Games Catching Fire This tagline is used to further promote the film and give it the feel that it is the greatest film that has been made in years which makes it must see. The title of the film is in big and bold font and is in the centre of the cover which makes it the main headline and look important The main image shows the protagonist of the film in the centre of the magazine larger than all other images giving her focus and importance and the use of fire in the background relates to the name of the film Catching Fire. This tagline gives the idea of what takes place in the film in order to intrigue people and make people read the magazine to find out more about the film and convince them to go and see it. By the magazine promoting that it has the worlds best movie reviews it will make more people want to buy the magazine and decide based on the review if they want to see the film or not. The use of this further promotes the film as being must see and shows the success of the film by advertising it as a blockbuster The masthead makes clear to the reader what the genre and focus of the magazine and that everything a person wants to know about film can be found in this magazine.