Entering the Real World: How Student Unions can make a difference
Mo Haque Membership Development Manager MUSU Organise Elections Organise Events Train, Support and Advise: Elected Officers Student Reps Clubs and Societies
As a Student... Did nothing related to extra-curricular activity for the first 2 years Had no idea what I wanted to do after I finished university Who can relate?
Final Year Needed to think about the future Placements, Internships (missed deadlines) Volunteering was an option Discovered MUSU
Societies Democracy Student Reps Student Buddies Student Magazine Student Radio station Campaigns Events Elections MUSU
As an Officer... Ambitious Manifestos Very political environment Campaigning Issues: e.g. Funding Cuts in Higher Education Lots of meetings Training and personal development
Student example Wei: International Students' Officer Radio, Magazine, Societies Reps, Elected Officers
Skills to learn through activities Communication: speaking, listening, writing, presenting Teamwork: knowing how you work best with others Leadership: working towards a vision Personal Growth: build confidence, self esteem, resourcefulness
In summary... Everyone has huge potential Just get involved in various activities: 'input is output' Keep a track of everything you are learning In the process you will be making a positive impact on others
Mo Haque