Human Anatomy and Physiology Control of Respiration
Alveolar ventilation Definition AVR = frequency x tidal volume (breaths/min.) (ml/breath) Human AVR = 4.2 L (12 x 350)
Alveolar ventilation Which factor enhances AVR more? Tidal volume
Neural control Medullary respiratory center dorsal respiratory group Diaphragm (inhalation) ventral respiratory group Intercostals (in- and exhalation) Eupnea
Early detection Types of chemoreceptors Central (brain), not shown Peripheral (other areas) shown
Hering-Breuer reflex
Gases in the environment CO 2 Detected by central chemoreceptors Elevation of 5mm Hg, doubles AVR Increases in pCO 2 : hypercapnia O 2 Detected by peripheral chemoreceptors Decline of 60mm Hg before a change is initiated Decline in pO 2 : hypoxia