1 ITM 734 Introduction to Human Factors in Information Systems Cindy Corritore This material has been developed by Georgia Tech HCI faculty, and continues to evolve. Course Introduction
ITM 734 (Corritore)2 Introductions - Cindy Corritore PhD in Computer Science from University of NE Lincoln, Masters in CS and Nursing Consulting and higher education Research Interests HCI – trust in online world Online course instruction Office hours I can meet with you most days before or after class or by prior arrangement -
ITM 734 (Corritore)3 Books Interaction Design, Second Edition, by Preece, Rogers and Sharp. Wiley, 2007 The Design of Everyday Things, by Donald Norman. Currency/Doubleday, 1990.
ITM 734 (Corritore)4 Course Grading Individual Homework20% Mid-term10% Final exam10% Class participation10% Team Project (4 parts)40% –10% per part Weekly reflection paper10% Details at end of course syllabus
ITM 734 (Corritore)5 Policies No late homework accepted without documented personal issues (serious illness, family emergency, etc) Individual homeworks must be done individually Team projects are the work of your team alone Good to talk to others for feedback and look at other systems for ideas; team synthesizes an original design Creighton Academic Integrity Policy
ITM 734 (Corritore)6 Course Aims Consciousness raising Make you aware of HCI issues Critique and evaluate UI designs Question bad HCI design - of existing or proposed UI Develop design skills Exploring design alternatives Learn Design Process Multiple steps involved in the design process
ITM 734 (Corritore)7 Course Segments Requirements Gathering Human abilities Design Evaluation (without users) Evaluation (with users) Dialog & interaction Future trends
ITM 734 (Corritore)8 Course website All course materials and schedules ppts from class Hand in either via or on blogs (typically as attachments)
ITM 734 (Corritore)9 And finally Welcome to the course!