What is school readiness? Greg J. Duncan Department of Education University of California, Irvine
What school-entry academic, attention, social and emotional skills matter most for: School achievement School achievement High school completion and college enrollment High school completion and college enrollment Crime in early adulthood Crime in early adulthood
Kindergarten Skills and Behaviors Achievement Description:Concrete academic skills Example test areas or question wording: Knowing letters and numbers; beginning word sounds, word problems
Kindergarten Skills and Behaviors AchievementAttention Description:Concrete academic skills Ability to control impulses and focus on tasks Example test areas or question wording: Knowing letters and numbers; beginning word sounds, word problems Can’t sit still; can’t concentrate; score from a computer test of impulse control
Kindergarten Skills and Behaviors AchievementAttention Problem Behaviors Description:Concrete academic skills Ability to control impulses and focus on tasks i) Ability to get along with others ii) Sound mental health Example test areas or question wording: Knowing letters and numbers; beginning word sounds, word problems Can’t sit still; can’t concentrate; score from a computer test of impulse control i) Cheats or tells lies, bullies, is disobedient at school ii) Is sad, moody
Simple associations with later achievement
Effects on later achievement
Effects on high school completion
Effects on arrests, incarceration
Summary Early reading and, especially, math matter the most for future school success Early reading and, especially, math matter the most for future school success Anti-social behaviors don’t interfere with early learning, but hurt in the long run Anti-social behaviors don’t interfere with early learning, but hurt in the long run Attention skills matter early but not later Attention skills matter early but not later Mild mental health problems do not affect school success Mild mental health problems do not affect school success
Implications Pre-K curricula focused on early math skills should be an evaluation priority Pre-K curricula focused on early math skills should be an evaluation priority