Accessible Test Design and the APIP Standards Making Assessment Accessible for All Students
Principles of Universal Design Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. — Ron Mace
Universal Design “Universal Design does not imply ‘one sizes fits all’ but rather acknowledges the need for alternatives to suit many different people’s needs.” “…the essence of UDL is flexibility and the inclusion of alternatives to adapt to the myriad variations in learner needs, styles, and preferences.” -Rose & Meyer, 2000, p. 4
Accessible Test Design Designing tests that maximize the information about the measured construct for each examinee
How a Task Functions Present Information Stimulate Construct Interact with Content Apply Construct Produce Response Visible Product of Construct Quantitative Score Measure of Construct Inference Statement About Construct
Barriers to Access Present Information Stimulate Construct Produce Response Visible Product of Construct Quantitative Score Measure of Construct Inference Statement About Construct Inaccurate receipt or interpretation of stimulus Challenges Interacting with Content Inaccurate production or recording of response Interact with Content Apply Construct
Overcoming Barriers to Access Adapted Presentation –Display of content –Representational form of content Adapted Interaction Adapted Response Mode
Accessible Test Design
Challenges to Accessible Test Design Lack Standard Set of Accessibility Options Lack Structure for Specifying Accessibility Information Lack Method for Interoperable Content
Accessible Portable Item Profile (APIP) Standard Provides Structure to Item Development Specifies Behaviors for Test Delivery Requires Specifications of Student Needs Comprehensive Integrated Solution for Accessible Test Design
Accessible Portable Item Profile (APIP) Standards Universally Designed CB Interfaces Accessible Test Delivery x =
APIP Test Model
Why APIP Is Important Vehicle for Accessible Test Design Improve Test Validity for ALL Students Improve Efficiency of Item Development and Item Transfers
More Information about APIP MN URL Dirk Mattson, APIP Forum: Dec 7
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