Gluten-free individuals have to be extremely careful in their day-to- day cooking because cross contamination is a big problem if a kitchen is not 100% gluten free.
Hint #1 Don’t prepare gluten-free foods on the same surface used to prepare foods with gluten.
Solution 1.Designate your own cooking area in the kitchen that non gluten-free cookers can not use. 2.Thoroughly clean the surface of the counter before each use.
Hint #2 Do not use utensils that have been used to make foods containing gluten.
Solution 1.Thoroughly clean utensils before each use. 2.Purchase separate utensils for gluten-free cooking.
Hint #3 Do not use the same toaster for gluten-free bread and regular bread.
Solution 1.The best option is to purchase your own toaster and label it gluten-free. 2.Purchase toaster bags. Toaster bags encompass your bread and prevent bread crumbs from contaminating the gluten-free bread.
Hint #4 Do not use the same sifter for gluten-free and regular flours or for pastas.
Solution 1.Purchase your own sifter. 2.Thoroughly clean the sifter before each use.
Hint #5 Don’t deep-fry gluten- free foods in the same oil used to fry breaded items.
Solution 1.Change the oil after every use and thoroughly clean the machine. 2.Purchase your own deep fryer to prevent any cross contamination.
Hint #6 Watch out for bread crumbs in spreadable condiments, such as butter.
Solution 1.Completely avoid all spreadable condiments used by people without a gluten sensitivity. 2.Buy your own condiments and label them with your name so others will know not to use them to prevent any future cross contamination.
Hint #7 Avoid using gluten flours in kitchens where gluten- free food is prepared.
Why? Flour is similar to dust. It is made up of tiny particles that can linger in the air for hours after use, contaminating other foods or breathed in my gluten sensitive individuals.
Solution 1.Prevent using a kitchen where regular flour is used. 2.Wait several hours after regular flour has been used, then thoroughly clean all surfaces and utensils before use.
Hint #8 Avoid placing gluten-free items below regular items in the refrigerator.
Solution Place gluten-free items on top of the refrigerator in sealed containers so no particles can fall onto the gluten-free items.
Hint #9 Avoid using the oven if it is not a 100% gluten-free kitchen. Bread crumbs can linger and rise when the oven gets hotter.
Solution Clean the oven before each use.
Hint #10 Avoid using the same cutting board as non gluten free individuals.
Solution The best option is to have a separate cutting board for gluten free individuals.
Why? A cutting board has tiny slices from where items have been cut making it near impossible to completely clean all gluten out of those tiny crevices.
The best solutions for gluten free individuals are to have their own cooking utensils and supplies. Along with thoroughly cleaning every surface.
Households should develop kitchen guidelines and regulations to prevent cross contamination.
Now it’s your turn! Go write your own household cooking plan!