Step 1 Teacher notices a behavioral or academic deficit: Identify specific areas of concern. Teacher implements interventions/strategies (see SAT Coordinator or Sp. Ed. Dept. for ideas if needed) to remediate. Collect information using General Education Teacher’s Report Form and student CA 60. Give report form to SAT Coordinator
Student experiencing difficulty Teacher begins completing SAT worksheet Teacher determines the child no longer has difficulties Teacher contacts SAT Coordinator for referral to initiate SAT Process Student Assistance Team Coordinator schedules SAT meeting Student demonstrates improved outcome. No further intervention needed. SAT meeting conducted: SAT Worksheet completed with other staff; intervention recommended; further data collected. Student improves-SAT available if needed. Implement for reasonable period of time (6-8 wks; progress monitoring at least every two weeks. SAT Worksheet suggests other Sp. Ed. eligibility than SLD Summary forms completed, interventions tried & failed – referral for SLD evaluation. Referral made to evaluate for other than SLD )i.e., Cognitive Impairment, Autism Impairment, Emotional Impairment, etc.) FLOW CHART for STUDENT ASSISTANCE TEAM (SAT) PROCESS
General Education Teacher Report Sample
Step 2 SAT coordinator assembles a meeting with all staff involved. Review all data collected focusing specifically on intervention information collected on area of concern. Brainstorm ways to improve interventions and/or additional interventions- use SAT Minutes Form Continue remediation within the general ed. setting continuing to collect information through progress/behavior monitoring of skills targeted for intervention. (save all documentation and other classroom assessments pertaining to area of concern in RtI file) If student does not progress within 4 weeks see SAT Coordinator
SAT Minutes Form