Identitas Mahasiswa - NAMA : IIN DYAH WERDININGSIH - NIM : PRODI : Sastra Inggris - JURUSAN : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS - FAKULTAS : Bahasa dan Seni - princesjehova pada domain jahoo.com - PEMBIMBING 1 : Dr. Abdurrahman Faridi, M. Pd - PEMBIMBING 2 : Frimadhona Syafri, S.S, M. Hum - TGL UJIAN :
Abstrak Love is a topic that cannot be separated from human’s life. It always becomes the most interesting topic for all people. Love in psychological context, is not only a way to feel the extraordinary joy but also experience self discovery. There are many literary works that use love as a topic for the novel. One of them is Ernest Hemingway’s novel entitled “A Farewell to Arms”. There are two problems that the writer tries to solve in this study. The first problem, how is love expressed by the main character. And the second how are the aspects of love described in this novel. The purposes of the study are to describe love as expressed by the main characters in the novel, and describe aspects of love in the novel. The writer uses Qualitative method in analyzing the novel. The data are in forms of sentences, dialogue and hidden meaning. There are some steps in collecting the data. They are reading, identifying, inventorying, listing, classifying, selecting, and reporting. All of the data are analyzed in term of psychological context. They are collected through appendices. There are four appendices in this study; they are appendices A, B1, B2 and B3. The collected data can be seen in appendix A. Appendix B1 contains the data to answer the first problem. The second problem can be seen in the appendix B2. And the third problem can be seen in appendix B3 After doing some analysis the writer can see that aspects of love are described in the novel “A Farewell to Arms”. The novel describes about romantic love that is love because of physical appearance. It is shown by Hendry. He loved Cathrine at the first sight he met her. He loved her because of her beauty at first but he finally loved her much. He expressed his loved not only by words but also attitude. The love expressions involves; the change of Henry’s personality, Henry’s sadness, and Cathrine’s happiness. The aspects of love are described in the novel by Henry and Cathrine as the effort to maintain their love relationship. Those aspects are care, understanding/knowledge, respect, and responsibility. Henry loved Cathrine, so he was care to her in order to make her happy. Because they loved each other, they understood each other. Respect is shown by Cathrine when she received Henry as he was. And Henry showed his responsibility by realizing Cathrine’s happiness that was living together with Henry.
Kata Kunci Aspects of Love, Hemingway’s Novel, A farewell to Arms.
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