Conroy & Associates, Inc. Medicare Overview Contact Bill Conroy | Medicare Became Law in 1965 Medicare Part A Covers Hospital Fees (80%) Medicare Part B Covers Doctors (80%) Medicare Supplements (Plans A – J) Picks up the remaining 20% of hospital and doctor fees that Medicare Parts A & B do not cover. A Supplement is not required, but HIGHLY recommended Medicare Part D Prescription Plan coverage
Conroy & Associates, Inc. Medicare Overview Contact Bill Conroy | Medicare is Divided into Two Parts: Part A: Hospitals Part B: Doctors Medicare is Based on 80/20 Format. Cost for Part A: $0-Provided the individual has worked for 40 quarters (10-years) in the US. Cost for Part B: Based on “AGI” (Adjusted Gross Income). For example: $85,000 or below, filing individual return OR $170,000 or below - you pay $96.40/month.
Conroy & Associates, Inc. Medicare Overview Contact Bill Conroy | The Final Part of the Puzzle is Part D – Prescription Drug Coverage Implemented in 2006 Apply for this coverage when you apply for your Medicare Supplement. Note: Part D and the Supplement do not have to be with the same insurance company.
Conroy & Associates, Inc. Medicare Overview Contact Bill Conroy | How It Works: From $1 to $2700** you will pay Co-Pays. Your Co-Pay is 25% of the Retail Prescription Drug Price. The Feds pay 75% of the retail price. Donut Hole: Once the full retail price of $2700** has been met, this is referred to as a “Donut Hole”. At this point there is no coverage (you pay 100%) until you exceed $6154** in prescription drug cost. After $6154**, you pay 5%, the Feds pay 95% until the end of the current year. This cycle starts again at the beginning of each calendar year. **These figures change on a yearly basis. Open Enrollment for Part D: Option to Change Drug Companies Between 11/15 and 12/31 Each Year
Conroy & Associates, Inc. Medicare Overview Contact Bill Conroy | SUMMARY Part A: $0.00, if worked 10-years in the US. Part B: Based on Adjusted Gross Income. Part D: $18-$80 Monthly Cost of Plan (Not Including Co-Pays). Medical Supplement: Picks up 20% That Medicare Does Not Pay.