Social Networking & Business Week 11
Lateral Thinking Puzzle “A black man dressed all in black, wearing a black mask, stands at a crossroads in a totally black-painted town. All of the streetlights in town are broken. There is no moon. A black-painted car without headlights drives straight toward him, but turns in time and doesn't hit him.” ITEC333 Fall07
Housekeeping Bring Your Phones! Mobile Photo Safari next week
Micro-Blogging “…creates a unit of content even smaller…than the individual blog entry.”
What are you doing now? “Twitter is a new social web-based application that allows to tell your friends what you’re doing at any given moment, and for you to read what your friends are doing at any given moment. It is text-based, and you can only have 140 characters in each “tweet”, as it’s called by its makers. I know this sounds weird probably, or perhaps invasive, but, it’s completely voluntary and what you divulge is your business.”
“What are you doing now?” “The thing about IM is that when someone IMs you, you are kind of obligated to answer them. Either that or consciously ignore them. With twitter, you have all your friends doing this and that, and you can notice it or not, and respond or not.” Links Video Discussion:
Micro-blogging and Virtual Teams? “The way I see Twitter is kind of like setting up a virtual shared office space where you and all your friends are going to work, hang out, etc. It’s kind of like background noise. You notice these trivial things people are doing just like you notice Jim from accounting brought back Indian food for lunch.”
LAB Time: Twitter Part 1 (Activities 1, 2, and 3) Photo © Charles Darwin University 2005
“Back Channel” You have my permission
Blog Talk
Virtual Teams Common Challenges
Common Challenges “Contextual” Information Holidays ( Timezones ( Topography Based on Research in “Finding Common Ground in Dispersed Collaboration” by C. Crampton
Common Challenges Uneven Distribution of Information Email didn’t go out Email to similar (wrong) address Erroneously addressed email Email “lost in transit” Email sent to part of group Later assume sent to all members of group Based on Research in “Finding Common Ground in Dispersed Collaboration” by C. Crampton
Common Challenges Differences in “What is Important” Long email to multiple people Use of “reply” with new topics Lengthy dialogue with information buried in email chain Based on Research in “Finding Common Ground in Dispersed Collaboration” by C. Crampton
Common Challenges Uncertainty: the Meaning of Silence I agree I strongly disagree I am indifferent I am out of town I am having technical problems I don’t know how to address this sensitive issue I am busy with other things I did not notice your question I did not realize you wanted a response Based on Research in “Finding Common Ground in Dispersed Collaboration” by C. Crampton
Gaffs The Dreaded Auto-Fill “BCC” = Be Careful
Cartoon © Class Discussion Cartoon ©
Hands-On: “Broken Squares” Photo © Charles Darwin University 2005
Rules: No member may speak Each of you has an envelope that contains pieces of heavy paper for forming squares. The task of your group is to form five squares of equal size. The task will not be completed until each individual has before him a perfect square of the same size as those in front of the other group members. Rules: No member may speak No member may ask another member for a piece or in any way signal that another person is to give him a piece (members may voluntarily give pieces to other members).
Cartoon © Class Discussion How did you feel as an individual? What were the different interactions? What caused the frustrations? How did you feel as a team? What are the similarities to working virtually? Cartoon ©
Visualization Popularity Maps Moods Maps Moods
“14 Days of Twitter”
14 Days of Twitter No Blogging (yeah!) Minimum 3 Tweets per day Tweeting instead (boo) Minimum 3 Tweets per day Tweets related to Assignment 3 Tweets related to weekly reading Tweets related to other course topics Additional tweets = random thoughts
14 Days of Twitter Use Tags @reply replaces comments #{group delicious tag} for Assignment 3 #335mobile for first week reading #335politics for second week reading @reply replaces comments 4 replies over 2 week twitter period Final blog comment grading period Last week through today (1st week) Nov 19 through Dec 03 (2nd week)
LAB Time: Twitter Part 2 (Activities 4 & 5. Optional 6 & 7) Photo © Charles Darwin University 2005