THE LEANMAIL DIAGNOSTIC TOOL™ How much time do people spend with each day? What does this cost your business? How many times do they click on the same mails? What does this cost your business? How often do they Cc: and to how many people? What does this cost your business? Who are the top 20 they send to and receive from? What does this cost your business? What is your cumulative cost of managing ? What if you could cut it in half?
THE LEANMAIL DIAGNOSTIC TOOL™ According to our customers, the LeanOutlook Add-in™ doubles their effectiveness with . Hard to believe, isn’t it. Now you can measure for yourself. For free. The LeanOutlook Diagnostic Tool ™ enables you to get all the statistics you need in order to make a before and after comparison for LeanOutlook users. The LeanOutlook Diagnostic Tool ™ can be customized to your company’s specific needs. What would you do with an extra hour per day per employee?
3 Example: Potential ROI for Calculate your savings by visiting our homepage (click here in slide show view)homepage Brussels TCCC Europe Brussels TCCC Europe Brussels TCCC Europe LeanMail
SCREEN SHOT 1 s opened with dbl-click Nr. of attachments sent Nr. of people Cc:d Many users are not aware that they can click on reply without opening the mail. Are you the culprit? Are you sending attachments instead of hyperlinks to the document on the server? LinkedIn is a great tool. Did you realize that it was the #2 generator of mails in your inbox so far this month? What is the cost of that?
SCREEN SHOT 2 Hours spent on last week Time spent on today After hours
SCREEN SHOT Hours spent on last week Weekend