Causation Consequence Analysis Evaluation
Explain why something happened Look at page 15
Page such as lots of different bays and coves at night....This was because lots of people got goods from the smugglers – tea, brandy, silk, tobacco etc. Smuggled goods were cheaper than buying them in the shops.... because the smugglers could be violent
Don’t just describe, explain! page 19 3. 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B
Effects or results Importance Impact Who was affected? What changed? How much did things change? Look at page 24
Page 27 1. 1D 2C 3A 4B 2. Relevant? 1, 2, 4, 5 (3 is not relevant)
Page 28 3. ... they were taught to knit and sew so that they could earn a wage when they were released, instead of going back to crime. ... a book she wrote and as she gave evidence to parliament which publicised the situation and her ideas. ... had been accepted and better treatment and religious teaching while in prison was being used to help lead the prisoners to repent about their crimes.
Analysis = breaking down into key sections or points. Different reasons, effects or factors. Look at page 42
Evaluation = two or more aspects. The most important Similarity or difference Look at page 43
Why? What were the causes? What were the effects?
Mentions one aspect and asks if it was the important. You need to write about all the other aspects as well.
How far? To what extent? Give details that agree Give details that disagree Make a judgment
Page 50 1. Orange Scales Iceberg Scales Orange Scales
Page 51 2. 1D 2C 3E 4B 5A
Pages Top level 3 – 12 marks
Page (a) luxury goods smuggled, cigarettes and alcohol, tax avoidance (b) Organised gangs (c) Sympathy (d) Animals poached, illegal goods smuggled, carried out at night, no specific time, technology, respectable members of society, hostility to organised smuggling or tax evasion