Thinking About Options Hybrid Delivery
What is a hybrid course? We would like you to get into groups of 3-4 people, take 3 minutes to create a collaborative definition of a hybrid course.
A hybrid course reduces traditional seat time by combining online learning away from the classroom and on-campus learning in the classroom. online learning
Thoughtful integration of face-to-face and technology mediated learning Fundamentally rethinking the course design to optimize student engagement Restructuring and replacing traditional class contact hours Optimizing technology resources by not adding an additional expensive layer (COI - Reference)COI - Reference
What intrigues you about a hybrid course?
Karen TeelyKaren Teely Simmons College “All Voices” (1:22)
Time on Task Access
Balancing food by Dale Gillard, on Flickr
Blending with a Purpose Reflection Content Social/Emotional Collaboration Synthesis Evaluation Dialectic Questioning The Multimodal Model Blogs Text, websites, video, recorded lectures, LMS Video Examples, Twitter, Blogs, video, recorded lectures Discussion Forums, Blogs Voice Thread, Google Docs, Wiki’s, Skype Voice Thread, Wiki’s, Projects, Digital Storytelling
In-Class Online
In-Class Online
Karen TeelyKaren Teely Simmons College “All Voices” (1:22)
Varying delivery channels allows more students to engage Faculty need to be active in class and online Students need to be aware of their role in the hybrid course Stuck in “Coverage” Overestimating students technical abilities Underestimating the amount of time it takes to develop a hybrid course 3 Things We Know & 3 Ways We Can Get Off Track Know: Off Track:
Tip 1: Take it easy Tip 2: Focus on design, not technology Tip 3: Use the resources already available Tip 4: Don't go it alone Tip 5: Manage your students' expectations Tip 6: Prepare for anticipated problems Tip 7: The little things count! Tips for Success
Kathy Jackson Senior Research Associate and Instructional Consultant Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Wayne Anderson Instructional Designer Center for eLearning Initiatives
EXTRA ACTIVITY: Think about how you might approach hybrid delivery in one of your courses?