Project 3- Digital Storytelling Group A Members Susan Dowling, Tiffany Griffith, Katoya Murray, Robin Schirmer, Sandra Swint and Ashley Kay Communicatio n Wimba Sessions Many! Wiki Tools and Applications Word Powerpoint Movie Maker Wiki
Description The scene opens with a teenager, named Jonathan who is home recuperating from an accident/illness. His friends drop by to visit with him - Greg, Sheila, Pat, Maddie, and Paula. The teens offer verbal concern for Jonathon’s health, while still acting selfish. They all give Jonathon selfish reasons for their actions concerning his illness. Jonathon seems to understand their lame excuses, trying to make the best of the situation. As the teenagers leave their visit with Jonathon they offer to help in his recovery. Jonathon asks if they can pick up groceries for him, but they all have excuses not to fur- fill his wishes, again showing their selfish attitudes.
Story Board Teens visiting their sick “friend”. Acting as a conscious throughout the film the Narrator provides some comic relief as he hides in the lost and found box. Teens trying the console their “friend” Jonathon as they continue to express their selfish feelings.
Movie The movie was created in Movie Maker. The actors are students and the narrator is a colleague.
Instructional Activity Selflessness: How do I give of myself to better others or society at large? Purpose of the Lesson: The student will be able to identify how the practice of selflessness, and respect for others enables a democratic society to function for the betterment of all citizens. Target Audience: High School Students enrolled in US Government Classes Theme of the Project: Thoughtful and Effective Participation in Civic Life and Society Standards: US Government Counseling QCC: Strand: Respect for Others
Instructional Design for Digital Stories Digital Storytelling – Use in Education Digital Stories can be used for modeling of a behavior or response or to teach content. Digital Stories can be used to assist a special education student to understand and modify a dysfunctional behavior. Purpose of the Lesson: The student will be able to identify how the practice of selflessness, and respect for others is an important character trait. Target Audience: Middle School Students in a Classroom Counseling Session Theme of the Project: How to be thoughtful and caring of others. Digital Storytelling can be an effective way to introduce lessons, reveal a deeper meaning in content, or when constructed by students, be a way to demonstrate understanding of a concept or theory.
Assessment Written Assessment: with Rubric Students will complete a five-paragraph essay describing the role of a citizen and effective participation in civic life. Debate: with Rubric Divide class into groups based on plays read, and debate the idea of selflessness in our society. Teacher will describe situations, and students will debate the best course of action. Group Response: with Rubric Develop a Brochure outlining the characters' response to the crisis and how they modeled good citizenship. Be sure to tell the “rest of the story” and identify where that character is as an adult – what their live is like now
Challenges Being aware of various movie presentation programs to assure access. Converting movie files. Time consuming and labor intensive developing, creating and executing movie. Uploading and formatting the movie on our wikispaces site. Challenges: it is hard to create a movie as a group when people are not in close contact. Someone is going to have to bear the brunt of it, i.e. the actual production
Lesson Learned Digital storytelling, although being time consuming to create, has the potential to reach students in a powerful way, much more akin to their typical daily experience with technology and video. The digital storytelling method is an effective teaching tool to introduce a topic or use as an assessment for students. Digital storytelling is a vehicle for expression worth the effort. In the classroom students gain proficiency in writing and research, visual literacy, critical thinking, and collaboration. Encouraging students to take part in a range of learning styles, while making authentic use of technology
20-20 Things that individually or as a group would do differently toward a better online learning experience Our group all provided effective and efficient communication skills to begin the movie project. We broke down the assignments to individual and small group tasks to complete. Each portion was completed in a timely manner to generate a successful project. It doesn't matter how much time you have at the onset; it is never enough. So start early, and be productive.