Do Now… Describe 3 traits that make you who you are. Describe 3 traits that someone else would describe you with.
Character Education Health 7 Mr. Corsano
Responsible Being independent Taking care of something or someone Doing HW/Chores Example- You are responsible for completing your homework when it is assigned.
Respect Treat others the way you want to be treated Manners Other countries traditions Respect adults/teachers, Students property. Example- Showing up on time to class, shows respect to the teacher.
Caring Protecting someone or something Compassionate Possessions-cell phone, ipod, video games, money, etc. Family Your body and your self Example- Helping someone feel better when they are down, shows that you care about them.
Trustworthy Parents trust you to make the right decision Friends trust you with a secret Be honest, tell the truth… Hard to gain back once its lost… Example- Trusting someone to come pick you up from the movies.
Citizenship Patriotic USA, Wappingers, WJHS, etc. Community Volunteer Respect your environment Recycle, etc. Example- Volunteering in your community to help others in need.
Empathy Feeling for someone in a situation that you have gone through in your life. Positive or negative Example- You and your friend made an all-star team. You are both excited about making the team and know what each are feeling.
Fairness Every one is equal When picking a team, let everyone play Teachers allowing for all opinions Include everyone in what your doing Give everyone a fair shot Example- Letting everyone get a chance to play in a game.
Closing questions… Why should we have good character? Why is it important?
Role Model Project Part 1 Bridge Map: (See side board for map) Choose 4 pillars of character Relate the 4 pillars of character to your role model. Describe how each is related to your role model. Write in notes section, be prepared to turn in it in the next day.