Welcome of Unaccompanied Foreign Children (UFC) Representation of Group n. 1: Ministries and Observatories of Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain, Unicef, Municipalities and NGOs Issues and Recommendations
Does your Country grant the entry to UFC? No evidence of outright refusal Waiting zones used by some Countries Reception Centres could be used in the short term but might marginalized children Some children want / need to work and not go to school
Are UFC detained for immigration reasons? Yes in some Countries It is not an appropriate solution
How is the identification made and how is the age assessed? It is different between Countries Often linked to age assessment Some Countries use x rays Contact between Embassies as appropriate
If the child is accompanied by an adult, is the nature of the relationship between them established? The point of view of the child Initially with border control Attention to the trafficking of children
Recommendations EU should harmonize all his policies and directives on both asylum and immigration issues EU Countries should sign the optional Protocol on the sale of children and child prostitution